Cat microchipping now mandatory for ALL cats in England

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I was going to post that rather than mandatory chipping I'd like to see a mandatory cork up the arse law for the little bags of crap that are constantly messing up my garden.

All you need to do is put some orange/lemon peel in various places in your garden. They dont like the smell.
Are you sure the crap is coming from the cats bottom not your mouth?


Kilometre nibbler
All you need to do is put some orange/lemon peel in various places in your garden. They dont like the smell.
Are you sure the crap is coming from the cats bottom not your mouth?

If only it were as easy as that. Citrus peel, commercial cat repellent, even Renardine (no longer legal) all have no effect. The little bags of crap just ignore them and keep on dumping. I find ultrasonic devices work OK but only cover a small area. OK If I keep moving them around.
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If only it were as easy as that. Citrus peel, commercial cat repellent, even Renardine (no longer legal) all have no effect. The little bags of crap just ignore them and keep on dumping. I find ultrasonic devices work OK but only cover a small area. OK If I keep moving them around.

We tried everything, even turned our borders into something resembling a tank trap with lots of sticks sticking up so they couldn't sit down. That probably worked best, until we befriended it, obviously.


Kilometre nibbler
We tried everything, even turned our borders into something resembling a tank trap with lots of sticks sticking up so they couldn't sit down. That probably worked best, until we befriended it, obviously.

Yes, spiky sticks are another method. I save bramble sticks and other spikies for that purpose. Also black cotton trip wires.
Yes, spiky sticks are another method. I save bramble sticks and other spikies for that purpose. Also black cotton trip wires.

There's a type of Euphorbia that has the most lethal thorns. Being euphorbia their sap burns. Guess what happens if you get stuck by one of those thorns!

BTW I got the tip for that from a serving police officer as part of his monthly home security column in the neighbourhood watch newsletter in the village I once lived in. His advice was to put it under windows, around drainpipes and other vulnerable areas. Apply that to areas vulnerable to cats.

With human thieves apparently the wounds from the thorns, which goes through clothes, will last for several weeks giving the police justification to search the thief's residency apparently.
I suppose there is the "if it isn't your cat, we'll take it away until the owner claims it, and if they don't, either put it down or give it to a cat sanctuary. You can then buy it back, but with a chip."

Cheaper to just chip it, although cheaper not to a you're unlikely to get caught put.


Legendary Member
I suppose there is the "if it isn't your cat, we'll take it away until the owner claims it, and if they don't, either put it down or give it to a cat sanctuary. You can then buy it back, but with a chip."

OK, off you go themn officer.

The problem with calling someone's bluff is that there's no going back when they don't fold, and seeing as the police themselves won't seize animals unless theyre dangerous (funnily enough the dibble have nowhere to keep them because they're the dibble, not Dr Dolittle) there's a very high chance of a bobby being left holding his d**k, metaphorically speaking, with that wheeze.
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