Cat microchipping now mandatory for ALL cats in England

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Thread title is misleading!

This legislation only applies in England.

Cats in Scotland, Wales and Nor’n Ireland are not required to be chipped.

That's true, but can't imagine it will be long before we follow suit, so I've already got the wee lady chipped and the boys will get done the next time they are at the vets.

I won’t be bothering. Molly is strictly indoors and doesn’t even show any interest in getting out.

Mine are the same, but Mrs Slick would never forgive me if something ever happened to any of them and we didn't do absolutely everything in our power to get them back.


Charming but somewhat feckless
That's true, but can't imagine it will be long before we follow suit, so I've already got the wee lady chipped and the boys will get done the next time they are at the vets.

Mine are 18 now, so I’ll wait and see. They’ll probably pop their clogs before it’s compulsory here.


Legendary Member
mine were chipped, like @DCLane, done as part of the "adoption" process.

My point was / is that this new law is stupid and pointless and pretty much unenforceable for the reasons I outlined. Chipping should be a choice, not mandatory and not subjecting people to fines if not done.

Agree - totally nonsense law. Police (or whoever) have better things to worry about.

For the record, ours has been chipped.
A friend had giant English rabbits that she left to roam her garden in summer. There was a ginger cat that used to sit on top of a neighbour's shed eying the rabbits up. One time it jumped down and attacked one, the other ran up, turned around and gave the cat a kick.

My friend came home to see a giant rabbit with a large ginger cat lying next to the bigger rabbit under a bit of plywood sheet. The other rabbit was under the hutch sheltering from the sun. Anyway, my friend ended up taking first the cat then the rabbit to the vets. The rabbit came home same day, the cat could not be treated beyond a bit of first aid as its owner could not be identified.

The owner was eventually but only after the vet took the decision to put it down. Apparently a very nasty broken jaw practically hanging off and other injurie meant it needed a lot of very expensive veterinary treatment. Due to suffering the cat was put down then days later handed to the upset owners identified too late to sort n out care that might have saved it.

OK a one off case but seriously, do you not think a cheap chipping is worth the expense m just in case? I think the fine is an irrelevance but the identification isn't.


Kilometre nibbler
OT but following on from @Time Waster 's post I used to live in an upstairs flat and our downstairs neighbours had a big rabbit. I remember watching the rabbit have a dust up with a cat in the garden. Rabbits 1, Cats 0.
My friend's rabbit died leaving one on its own. Without it's sibling it went loopy and violent. We'd never go into the garden if it was loose because it became aggressive. It was not a rabbit to mess with, the female it was and it was the one that basically one kick killed the cat! The male was always friendlier iirc.


Über Member
I once was on a train and saw a cat sat on a fence pole in the countryside, open fields. It pounced and grabbed a rabbit then bound off with it in its mouth. I've never seen a cat take a rabbit before.
I had rabbits as a child and I wouldn't recommend them as a pet at all. They get neglected and bored in a hutch and in turn get frustrated and angry.


South Wales
I once was on a train and saw a cat sat on a fence pole in the countryside, open fields. It pounced and grabbed a rabbit then bound off with it in its mouth. I've never seen a cat take a rabbit before.
I had rabbits as a child and I wouldn't recommend them as a pet at all. They get neglected and bored in a hutch and in turn get frustrated and angry.

Our cats occasionally caught rabbits when we used to live North of Merthyr Tydfil.


Legendary Member
My friend's rabbit died leaving one on its own. Without it's sibling it went loopy and violent. We'd never go into the garden if it was loose because it became aggressive. It was not a rabbit to mess with, the female it was and it was the one that basically one kick killed the cat! The male was always friendlier iirc.

Like that rabbit in The Holy Grail?
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