Ride It Like You Stole It!
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- South Manchester
Only people with absolutely no understanding of them at all.There'll be some who will only use use one seperate handset for such transactions. Similar to cards kept for similar reasons.
These places should not be used, if no one books, then they'll soon stop this nonsense, or cease trading, it's entirely in their hands, we are all sleepwalking into this stupidity, had this in Bridlington last weekend, park & ride ticket machine wouldn't accept cards, so they all had queues a mile long with people scratting for change, ended up having to download an app to pay
The people who do that will usually be using a card with a very low limit, or even a prepaid card, so they can't lose very much to fraudulent transactions.How does having a seperate card for the same purpose make it safer?
Simples... give your plums away for free and get your suppliers to do the same. problem solvedWe still use cash for eggs, fruit and veg from people's roadside stalls outside their homes. Plus we sell fruit from our two plum trees in season on a trestle table and paid with coins through our letterbox.
Wise words for the next time I try to board the number 16 bus home from townDon't get caught without ready cash in sticky situations.
This happened earlier this week - from the BBC:
"The Taliban were at the gates of the city - Kabul had fallen.
Suddenly, everyone was rushing to get on a plane. Ms Barakzai's flight to Turkey was cancelled. She quickly found another flight and tried to buy a ticket, but the airline would not accept her credit card. Cash only. She only had US$100 (£73) on her, not enough for new tickets."
Because it's putting people out of work, thats why, had exactly this trying to pay a cheque into our bank, local branch only opened between 9:00 & 15:00, and was closed on Saturdays, they used to have a late start/late finish one day per week and be open till about 16:30 usually as well as Saturday 9:00 to 13:00, all part of a cunning plan to close branches, which they did as nobody goes in now, obvious when you open when people are at work, and close before they finish work, so we had to go into Leeds on Saturday morning, pay for parking, and stand in a queue while a spotty teenager suggests we pay it in via a machine, he didn't get it when I said no, I want to see to a human, having to explain that, that machine will do you, and every one else in here out of a job, so now our local branch has gone, as well as other bank brands around the locality, as for other things, theatres, museums, cinemas etc, how on earth do all the elderly who don't have smart phones/pc's etc book, therefore they deserve to go under, cash is legal tender, it's all a part of tracking where we go, and what we do and I'm not comfortable with that.Why "should" they not be used.
It isn't "nonsense", many people actually prefer to pay that way, and so long as they get sufficient bookings, they will continue.
"Putting people out of work" is a weak argumentBecause it's putting people out of work, thats why, had exactly this trying to pay a cheque into our bank, local branch only opened between 9:00 & 15:00, and was closed on Saturdays, they used to have a late start/late finish one day per week and be open till about 16:30 usually as well as Saturday 9:00 to 13:00, all part of a cunning plan to close branches, which they did as nobody goes in now, obvious when you open when people are at work, and close before they finish work, so we had to go into Leeds on Saturday morning, pay for parking, and stand in a queue while a spotty teenager suggests we pay it in via a machine, he didn't get it when I said no, I want to see to a human, having to explain that, that machine will do you, and every one else in here out of a job, so now our local branch has gone, as well as other bank brands around the locality, as for other things, theatres, museums, cinemas etc, how on earth do all the elderly who don't have smart phones/pc's etc book, therefore they deserve to go under, cash is legal tender, it's all a part of tracking where we go, and what we do and I'm not comfortable with that.
I've been cashless for decades, after losing notes, finding them again, etc etc, Mrs DRM no longer trusts me with cash, I travel like the QueenI’ve been cashless since I took up cycling.
So all the closed banks in towns haven't put people out of work? it's not a weak argument, workers pay tax & NI into the system, people on jobseekers take money out of the system, the more people displaced, the more money comes out of the pot, and no we wouldn't be doing all those jobs you propose, we are being tracked by all this nonsense and we are sleep walking our way into this."Putting people out of work" is a weak argument
Were that the issue, we would all be too busy making horseshoes, lighting the whale oil lamps and hand scything the fields to worry about cash
Like it or not, we are in a rapid transition to a cashless society and you can either get onboard or not but as time goes on cash, cheques etc will become more and more difficult to transact with. It is inexorable.
Post offices will fill the need for the diminishing numbers of people who can't or won't go cashless. But the true costs of these cash transactions will be passed onto the consumer. Handling cash is an expensive business with the person conducting the transaction, the insurance, the banking of cash, the security risk etc
Surely the work just shifts about. Instead of employing cashiers in local branches, they employ people to staff telephones, maintain websites and whatever else it takes to run remote banking.So all the closed banks in towns haven't put people out of work?
My point is that jobs disappearing and appearing is part of the normal processSo all the closed banks in towns haven't put people out of work? it's not a weak argument, workers pay tax & NI into the system, people on jobseekers take money out of the system, the more people displaced, the more money comes out of the pot, and no we wouldn't be doing all those jobs you propose, we are being tracked by all this nonsense and we are sleep walking our way into this.
And just a point of note, horse shoes are now pre made in a variety of sizes and the farrier adjusts the closest size to fit the horses hoof, he/she will make a set of shoes from scratch, but you need deep pockets to pay for it.