Legendary Member
The wufey
Brains AND Andouiette! That's some meal. Bravo.
Maybe you should have taken the cassette-based self study course I had in about 1985. It seemed to have been built on the premise that the French will always be trying to force you to eat awful things, and the most important language skills you need are those that will help you to foil such attempts. One particular lesson had someone in a restaurant fending off various dishes. I distinctly remember the English voiceover at the end of the lesson "So, it's not the calves' brains or the pig's head pate that's bothering him. He's allergic to garlic!" I think there was a lesson on avoiding horse meat too.
Mostly whilst abroad I specifically choose the item on the menu which I don't recognise and just see what turns up.
I would perhaps be a little more conservative in, say, Japan, but by and large I'll give most things a try