I'm 6'4" and muscular and tattooed and you may have have seen me park and go lumbering off after slipping the blue badge on the dash,
Yet if you arent around half an hour later you wouldn't see me return pushing Mrs D in her wheelchair.
Exactly - my Dad was disabled and on occasion we would go down the High Street and he would feel worse than he thought
So - once I had passed my test - I would go back and get the car and he would have a sit down and then go a short distance to a nearer car park
Before I first did this he made sure I was OK with the rules - I was allowed to use the orange badge (as they were then) on his behalf
I get annoyed about disabled bays ever since my Mum went out one Saturday and my Dad checked she had gone then told me to get ready quickly
He had planned to leg it down to Chester and get her Christmas present - he normally had to ask a relative )often my Mum's sister) to get something for him so for once he wanted to be able to get her something special himself and choose it properly - and I was just old enough and big enough to help him
But we got to Chester as all the disabled parking spaces were full - so we had to turn round and go home.
My Aunt got the present as usual
That was the first time I realised some of the hidden ways that my Dad was disabled - not physically which was obvious but in what he could do and how he was limited - which he hated
I had never seen it like that before
and I would bet half those spaces were taken by people with no orange badges - or who were using them in ways that was not allowed
so - sorry about the rant - but people using disabled bays when they do not need to annoys me!