In an ideal world he should be looked after and never have to work again after that.
Maybe - but that wouldn;t have worked for him - he needed to do something
they did help him qualify as a Chiropodist
he did get a decent pension for life on top of his earning and when he got older the RAFA was great at sorting things out for him
at some point a senior officer came to the hospital and spoke to the injured men
bear in mind that this was a spinal injuries unit and there were men there would would never leave
as a result they had a reputation for not suffering fools at all - never mind gladly - and had seriously upset some senior officers who had come with the wrong attitude **
He told them that their injuries happened as a result of they service to the country and as a result the country would look after them and supply whatever they needed.
Which the RAF pensions people did - until it got merged into Social Services that didn;t seem to have read the memo
** this is why my Dad didn;t have his medals - an Air Vice Marshall came round to award them and expected their respect and to be grateful
my Dad instructed him in precise anatomical details exactly where he could insert the medals
The AVM was quickly ushered out before he threatened something - my Dad said he was lucky, some of the other men were rather less polite with pompous senior officers
wish I could have seen it!