Bitten off a little more than I can currently chew

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Legendary Member
So I've agreed to cycle 100 miles with my son (14) tomorrow from Marlborough to London. He's dying to do his first century. It will be my second, about 12 years after the first. I'm nowhere near as fit as I'd like to be and I've not done a load of exercise in the pas 10 days due to a (now healed) foot injury. We are committed to this because we have a non-refundable Premier Inn booked and my son is so excited.

I know I can do 60 quite comfortably. I reckon I could do 70 without too much distress. But those final 30?

I don't need any grown-up advice about how this isn't a great idea. Instead, I need all your best advice about how to get through this without falling apart. Thanks in advance.
Break it up into sensible chunks. Q
Our Old Gits CTC group followed this pattern for Century rides from Epsom to the south coast and back.

25 miles
Stop rest eat
25 miles
Stop rest have lunch
25 miles
Stop rest have big sticky bun
25 miles
Job done! Have beer.
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13 rider

If you can do 60 miles comfortably then a imperial century is within your ability, Like everyone has stated just pace it correctly steady is best , just use every bit of rest freewheel downhills sit behind other riders into any wind . At some point it will be tough but you can do this and just reassure yourself you can , Plan the stops so you now it's only 10 miles to the cafe and when you set off don't think you've got 100 to go just that I've got 25/30 to the cafe and do the ride in small chunks
Good luck and have fun don't over think it
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So I've agreed to cycle 100 miles with my son (14) tomorrow from Marlborough to London. He's dying to do his first century.

my son is so excited.

Brilliant; I hope it goes well.

In my one and only imperial century, I survived by following a river valley upstream to my halfway point, so I knew it was mostly down hill from there. As others have said, if you start early, you will feel you're making progress.

Also, as it's an important family time, you have a good excuse to "stop for photos", although we will expect to see some on here...
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