Bitten off a little more than I can currently chew

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I know I can do 60 quite comfortably. I reckon I could do 70 without too much distress. But those final 30?

Ride the first 30 miles at about the pace you expect to ride the last 30. This WILL feel ridiculoulsy easy - that's the whole point!!!

Oh, and check you haven't booked into a Premier Inn HUB (which I think are only in central london), as they don't (officially) allow bikes in :cry:
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berty bassett

Legendary Member
Have a laugh and joke , don’t forget your undercarriage management 😁 eat and drink before you want to eat and drink and enjoy it - it’s gonna be memorable !


Puzzle game procrastinator!
The longest ride I ever did was an Audax that had the rather brilliant route design feature that the half way stop was actually two thirds of the way through, so the second half was a lot shorter than the first.
The 100 mile Manchester 100 event was (is?) a bit like that. I was expecting the halfway stop to actually be halfway so at 49 miles I started riding flat out to get there ASAP. 6 miles later, I finally grovelled in... :whistle:

After a 30 minute break I decided that I liked being 55 miles in. Much better psychologically when tiring to be doing 55/45 than 50/50. For 2 stops I would do something like 40/35/25.

Apart from the pacing, eating, drinking and resting advice given by everyone, I would say make sure that you are all comfortable on your bikes. Sore bum/back/neck/shoulders/etc in the first 50 miles would be a LOT worse in the last 50!!

Enjoy it, I'm sure you will.
I second that emotion!
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I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Having ridden some bigger distances with young children I reckon it will be a breeze. Their excitement and enthusiasm will pull you along so you'll hardly notice the distance. Get as early a start as possible so that by midday you have covered a good chunk of the ride. Psychologically this will give a huge boost and the afternoon will be easier as you see the distance to your destination falling steadily.

Good luck, if you can do 70 then 100 should be just fine. Enjoy the ride and I hope the weather is kind :okay:


Kilometre nibbler
Get as early a start as possible so that by midday you have covered a good chunk of the ride. Psychologically this will give a huge boost and the afternoon will be easier as you see the distance to your destination falling steadily.

That's kind of how my first century happened - by accident. I was 16 at the time and me and a mate set off from the West Midlands to Aberystwyth, planning to take two days. We set off stupidly early and got to our half way stop at Clun on the Welsh border by about midday.

We had a meal and decided to press on as we were feeling fine. We actually regretted it later in the day when we were the first people ever to discover that Wales has big hills in it ... but we made it.


South Wales
We had a meal and decided to press on as we were feeling fine. We actually regretted it later in the day when we were the first people ever to discover that Wales has big hills in it ... but we made it.
If Wales were ironed flat, it would be bigger than England :smile:


Über Member
If you cycle regularly , it shouldn't be a problem, it's just a mental thing, don't think about the distance, it's in you.
100 miles at 8 mph is an easy pace, that's 10 hrs, ignore the clock!
Eat small amounts regularly, all high calorific food, nothing too sweet, drink often as well, and if you must stop for a meal DO NOT eat a big stodgy one, it will sit in the stomach and give discomfort, Eat a big breakfast before you start, and go easy , no long breaks but short stops, otherwise you will cramp up.

Your Son , with youthful enthusiasm ,will be the big problem, but he will likely flag in the later part, take advantage then.
Remember the Asop fable of the Tortoise & the Hare.


Über Member
AHH! You ride Zwift!
I'm saying just ride, ignore the time, it doesn't get dark till 20:00 hrs ,so bags of time.
I'll admit my sums are wrong, but even so , at an average of 12.5 mph is not onerous!
I 've done really big distances in the past, all nighters, wasn't worth a fig the day after,mind
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