Heel on pedal with crank at bottom dead centre with straight leg is a very good, pretty accurate base setting for seat height.
Then knee over pedal Kops is again a reasonable starting point for seat back and forth. (Adjust saddle height again after fore/aft). Only by small mm steps.
Then when you have got comfy with your leg position and saddle tilt(normally ever so slightly tilted down). Move onto handlebar position.
This is personal preference and flexibility in your back, neck, shoulder region and wrists. Some folk like quite an aggressive leaning forward, some prefer a more upright position. I would say start higher rather than lower, you can always get a longer stem or invert the stem to lower the handlebars.
I'm going through a bike fit on a new turbo setup. Fortunately I have a reference from my old setup so are gradually dialling in the fine adjustments to match my original setup. Even though they're the same to almost mm precision, the new bike feels different, so small increments will see me get there