My bike is a CAAD5 - I am not familiar with the CAAD4. Even though it is about 20 years old, I still think it is a great bike. It is a little heavier than top bikes are these days (around 8.5 kg vs, say, 7.0 kg) but that extra weight is tiny compared to the extra weight on my body!
The CAAD5 uses old-fashioned square taper bottom brackets, which I am perfectly happy with.
I wasn't quite so happy carting my bulk over the local hills with a 53/39 chainset though! I converted it to a triple chainset from Spa Cycles, so I now use 48/36/28. I also fitted a 12-36 cassette so my bottom gear is a hill-friendly 28/30. I lost out a bit at the top end but I can pedal 48/12 to 51 kph (32 mph) at 100 rpm and freewheel if I want to go faster, since that would only be downhill.
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Interested in this one but n+1=n-1 esp as have brought Christmas present!