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I did start to shop around
Tried using Aldi for the main stuff but a lot of much lower quality than Tesco own brand (or we just didn't like it)
so I started using Aldi for some stuff, then ASDA for others
but still had to go back to Tesco for some things
ended up just far too much hassle - and saved so little that I was probably using more in petrol than I was saving
did try using Farm shops - but one has closed down and the only other that is local became "not worth the effort" because potatoes just were not as good as Tesco - kept having to chuck half of it out as it was black
and the fruit went off faster and everything was more expensive
SO at the moment I mostly go to Tesco - except for Green tea as ASDA is massively more expensive than Tesco - so I go there about once a fortnight
The Green Tea at ALDI is excellent and very inexpensive, I barely drink anything else non alcoholic