Any Runners On Here??

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NCE West Wales
Can anyone please recommend a good running shoe ? My current trainers I use are about 6 months old and not ideal for running. I have been looking at Asics, Adidas, and Saucony. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Can anyone please recommend a good running shoe ? My current trainers I use are about 6 months old and not ideal for running. I have been looking at Asics, Adidas, and Saucony. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Not really, it's what your feet get on with, & what is available for you to try locally

(however, if you were talking about fell-running shoes, I'd say Inov-8, in a heartbeat.............)

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Recently got back into running by joining a local running club and i plan to start Park run in a couple of weeks.

My club meet several times a week for different levels and mileage but due to my unpredictable line of work i cannot always make the most appropriate meets for me.

I would love to get out there on my own but i am totally rubbish at pacing myself.I tend to start too fast and fade. Running with others is so much easier.

Any tips from you seasoned lot ?


Here for rides.
Hmmmm. Currently on assignment in Stockholm and Copenhagen. Haven't had much time to train(run) as it involves pulling 12 hour days to meet a slightly insane deadline. Only run I managed this week involved getting lost in downtown Stockholm and discovering no data signal for the maps on my phone, and no glasses with which to read said maps even if there were giving directions.

Was determined to do parkrun today thobut. Pacer week and all and I didn't get around to volunteering. Woke up at 04:00 with a cracking sore throat. Grrrr.

Went over anyway. Previous PB is 23:03. Goal was 22:30. Set my watch and Virtual Partner. Found the 22 minute pacer and thought "keep him in sight and don't let the 23 min pacer pass you" stuck with him until started to slip after 3km, somehow kept my head and legs together and managed to find another gear for the last km, passing those who passed me in km 3 some off whom egged me on as a I passed them. Gave it some beans over the last 500km and thought I'd swoon or puke after the finish.

31st in 21:52

Yesterday, I ran to Barbers, through the Woods & along the river (Calder) bank, a route I've run - quite literally - hundreds of times over the past 8 years

Mis-strided/stepped too far to a side at one point, caught my right toes under a root, & went sprawling full length on the hard-packed earth track (was the route of an old colliery railway, to the loading basin (where the wagons were trans-shipped in an interesting manner...)

Ended up sat in the undergrowth, wondering what the heck I'd done, both hand stinging & skinned knees
Was just about closer to go to the Barbers, than turn round & go home, so I went, dripping blood onto her floor.....

This morning the right hand was bruised, the right knee had been stuck to the sheets during the night & waking me up
Why did I make the decision to run in to work, leaving the house @ 04:35?

Received a large dose of 'no sympathy' off my Nursing collegues:rolleyes:

To top it off, my left foot (the one that had Plantar Fasciitis & then, Athletes Foot) has several new cracks in the skin, that are quite sore

Why do I bother??

On arrival back home, from the barbers (yes, via the same route, in reverse)
Injuries. 2.JPG

After showering, etc, on arrival home today

Lovely cracks!:angry:

Injuries. 4.JPG
Jesus, hope you're OK, that's one hell of a skim!


Knee is scabbing over nicely, but sloughing off after a shower
The foot has had the past 3 nights wrapped in a plastic bag full of E45 - so it doesn't all just rub off onto the bed-sheets
Seems to be improving (club-run last night, & slow/steady run to work today)

I'm not sure about a ParkRun, in the morning, though:scratch:


Hey all, I keep my eye on this thread as I find everybodies races/events runs inspiring, even the bloody ones!

I've been "running" since around February this year but persistent 'niggly' hurts keep putting me in time out and it's beginning to get frustrating now, I've ran 5k once back in February (probably too early to have done that to be honest), and since I haven't ran enough to even get out of the 'run/walk' part yet and my max distance is 1 or 2 miles, admittedly mostly one.

I've been a runner before, used it to lose a fair bit of weight, when I started running about five years ago now I was 16-ish stone, on a five foot body and surprisingly had very little injuries until I'd gotten my weight down and was regularly running 5+ miles and then my IT band threw up complaints that I just ran through to be honest before I eventually stopped running, various reasons but I'm sure the drill is documented heavily - cue lots of weight back on.

I'm now back at the weight I was when I gave up running, no stranger to distance on feet though as I did the Wilmot Wander (32 mile walk) at the end of January which spurred me to get back into running, so I've now attempted since February to get back into running.

Though my old nemesis the IT band has returned (or perhaps it never went away) after a mile, after googling a lot I've started doing lots of stretches to finally tackle the problem, they seem to be helping as I can almost reach two miles now before it kicks it, but making the IT band even a little bit better has seemed to flagged up hip area soreness on the same side after runs, not during.

I'm beginning to think I'll never get back comfortably into running :sad: but I haven't given up yet, running a mile is better than running no miles.


Long time, no post...

Back at the end of last year, I discovered I had a stress fracture in the arch of my right foot, and then later another in my left foot. And then my left knee ligaments, which have always been a problem since I used to play football, starting acting up again.

Short version: I stopped running for 4 months. At first it was to rest and recover, but then my wife and son were away in Japan for two months and it was winter and I was a bit depressed, and it too me ages to get out of the not-running phase.

I've been cycling as normal most of this time, but this weekend I finally got out for my first proper runs since December. a 6.5k and a slightly over-ambitious 14.5k. Anyway, my knee is still knackered and that's not ever going to change, but everything else felt fine. However, I've put on about 3kg in the last few months, and so I'm far from racing shape and most of my previous plans for this year (local race series, half-ironman and marathons) will have to be put on hold while I get fit again. So the rest of this year is going to be dedicated to that. And then I'll think about my goals for next year.

Anyway, it's good to be getting out again.


Senior Member
I know how you feel @Flying_Monkey i got knocked over in the week before this years planned marathon (looking at a respectable time too) landed on my left knee and that was the end of that game. Anyhow 7 weeks later and my knees just about holding up for a gentle mile and I seem to have knackerd a ligament in my right foot.
begining to think that maybe my bodys getting a bit old for the running game, but i really love it and cant wait to get back out there. Frustrated to say the least, the only thing keeping me sane is the bike!

@Steady I find the only thing that helps with IT band issues is the foam roller. Hurts like hell to start with but made a massive difference for me.
@Flying_Monkey - what symptoms made you suspect stress fractures?

Well, so far this year I have clocked up 789 miles of running. On Tuesday I am off to South Africa for the Comrades Marathon. This year is an "up" run and 87.8km.
I'm just entering that phase of niggles, doubts about the suitability of my training completed, and stressing about shoe fit. And worrying about the weather forecast and heat. I don't know whether to set a goal time or just aim for completion. I am very concious that after spending all that money, a DNF will be hard to explain when I get home so I have to beat the 12hr cut-off.


@Flying_Monkey - what symptoms made you suspect stress fractures?

Well, so far this year I have clocked up 789 miles of running. On Tuesday I am off to South Africa for the Comrades Marathon. This year is an "up" run and 87.8km.
I'm just entering that phase of niggles, doubts about the suitability of my training completed, and stressing about shoe fit. And worrying about the weather forecast and heat. I don't know whether to set a goal time or just aim for completion. I am very concious that after spending all that money, a DNF will be hard to explain when I get home so I have to beat the 12hr cut-off.

Wow - what an experience. Good luck!
To top it off, my left foot (the one that had Plantar Fasciitis & then, Athletes Foot) has several new cracks in the skin, that are quite sore

Why do I bother??

Why indeed?
The dry skin has practically disappeared now, after overnight applications of 'Flexitol Heel Balm' (& wrappage in plastic bag, covered by a sock)
There's still some cracks, but they don't feel sore

Now, though, I've got a hacking cough:cursing:
I'm still running, just trying to ignore it, & ran to work ('XC') 4 out of 6 working days week before last (& a fairly decent road-run home @ 22:30, on Thursday)

Ran Nostell Priory ParkRun (#45) this morning, but had to almost force myself to go, I ended up coughing up lumps of green phlegm before the start - not good!!

I normally turn up in my Featherstone RC long-sleeve jersey, as I can hang it up, in the (fairly certain) knowledge, that there's not going to be another there (ie; no mix-ups afterwards)
That said, this morning, someone rode in wearing one............

He'd come to see his nephews(?) run, who it turned out are in my daughters year at School
This was after I'd mentioned that a female 'Feath' member sometimes ran too, when her name (a damned good Triathlete too!) was mentioned, he told me about her being their PE Tutor

I'll admit I considered pulling out, at the start of the 2nd lap, but plodded onwards, as I'd stated to a couple of friends/club-mates beforehand, that I'd be happy if I got under '25'.

I managed a self-timed (at the moment) 29th @ 23:26

Now sat here, coughing, & debating if I feel like running to work for a 'late-turn', then home again
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