To top it off, my left foot (the one that had Plantar Fasciitis & then, Athletes Foot) has several new cracks in the skin, that are quite sore
Why do I bother??
Why indeed?
The dry skin has practically disappeared now, after overnight applications of 'Flexitol Heel Balm' (& wrappage in plastic bag, covered by a sock)
There's still some cracks, but they don't feel sore
Now, though, I've got a hacking cough

I'm still running, just trying to ignore it, & ran to work ('XC') 4 out of 6 working days week before last (& a fairly decent road-run home @ 22:30, on Thursday)
Ran Nostell Priory ParkRun (#45) this morning, but had to almost force myself to go, I ended up coughing up lumps of green phlegm before the start - not good!!
I normally turn up in my Featherstone RC long-sleeve jersey, as I can hang it up, in the (fairly certain) knowledge, that there's not going to be another there (ie; no mix-ups afterwards)
That said, this morning, someone rode in wearing one............
He'd come to see his nephews(?) run, who it turned out are in my daughters year at School
This was after I'd mentioned that a female 'Feath' member sometimes ran too, when her name (a damned good Triathlete too!) was mentioned, he told me about her being their PE Tutor
I'll admit I considered pulling out, at the start of the 2nd lap, but plodded onwards, as I'd stated to a couple of friends/club-mates beforehand, that I'd be happy if I got under '25'.
I managed a self-timed (at the moment)
29th @ 23:26
Now sat here, coughing, & debating if I feel like running to work for a 'late-turn', then home again