Hey all, I keep my eye on this thread as I find everybodies races/events runs inspiring, even the bloody ones!
I'm certainly not an expert been "running" since around February this year but persistent 'niggly' hurts keep putting me in time out and it's beginning to get frustrating now, I've ran 5k once back in February (probably too early to have done that to be honest), and since I haven't ran enough to even get out of the 'run/walk' part yet and my max distance is 1 or 2 miles, admittedly mostly
I've been a runner before, used it to lose a fair bit of weight, when I started running about five years ago now I was 16-ish stone, on a five foot body and surprisingly had very little injuries until I'd gotten my weight down and was regularly running 5+ miles and then my IT band threw up complaints that I just ran through to be honest before I eventually stopped running, various reasons but I'm sure the drill is documented heavily - cue lots of weight back on.
I'm now back at the weight I was when I gave up running, no stranger to distance on feet though as I did the Wilmot Wander (32 mile walk) at the end of January which spurred me to get back into running, so I've now attempted since February to get back into running.
Though my old nemesis the IT band has returned (or perhaps it never went away) after a mile, after googling
a lot I've started doing lots of stretches to finally tackle the problem, they seem to be helping as I can almost reach two miles now before it kicks it, but making the IT band even a little bit better has seemed to flagged up hip area soreness on the same side after runs, not during.
I'm beginning to think I'll never get back comfortably into running

but I haven't given up yet, running a mile is better than running no miles.