Any good jokes ... ?

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It's the American name.

AKA - wrong

LCpl Boiled Egg

Three word soundbite
Hi. Refugee from Bikeradar forum here. Are rude jokes allowed on here then?

Foul or blatantly pornographic definitely doesn't. Anything overtly sexist, racist etc doesn't. Ditto political jokes. Keep 'em clean and you'll be ok.

Sexist jokes are absolutely fine, as are "Paddy and Mick" style racist ones. If the Mods disagree they've obviously not been reading this thread for a while.

For example:

My friend's sex change operation went so well yesterday that she's still trying to reverse out of the hospital car park.


Paddy says to Murphy "my friend came off his motorbike yesterday "
Really says Murphy.
Yep, says Paddy, he has brain damage, 2 broken arms, a broken leg and his eyesight is damaged.
Murphy says "bl**dy he'll, its no wonder he came off his bike".
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I think my favourite Irish joke concerns the foreman recruiting at his building site. Keen to check that the guy knows his trade he asks a few questions "Tell me Seamus, what's the difference between a joist and a girder". "To be sure I know that; it was Goethe that wrote Faust and Joyce that wrote Ulysees"

(A cod Irish accent helps)
Co-incidentally, BBC4 rebroadcast a Dave Allen special, earlier this week (Monday, I think?) & that joke was told by the great man


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Sexist jokes are absolutely fine, as are "Paddy and Mick" style racist ones. If the Mods disagree they've obviously not been reading this thread for a while.

For example:


Mod note:

We don't get to read every post in the forum. We have a very small number of active Mods and it is impossible to do so.

We rely predominantly on members doing the right thing and reporting amy post that they feel is unacceptable.

Where members do report problems ,and where we agree, we always delete the posts and take further action where necessary.
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