Any good jokes ... ?

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Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
I was on the phone to Powergen about my bill when I said to the wife "Pop into the garage with a pen and paper love and write down what it says on the meter"
She came back a minute later and handed me a piece of paper that said "Danger High Voltage"
Good job you didn't get the roles the other way round - that would never have worked.




Legendary Member
A scouser and a cockney walk into a bakery.
The scouser steals 3 buns and puts them into his pockets and leaves. He says to the cockney, "That took great skill and guile to steal those buns. The owner didn't even see me."
The cockney replied, "That's just simple thievery, I'll show you how to do it the honest way and get the same results." He then proceeded to call out the owner of the bakery and says, "Sir, I want to show you a magic trick." The owner was intrigued so he came over to see the magic trick.
The cockney asked him for a bun and then he proceeded to eat it. He asked 2 more times and after eating them again the owner says, "Okay my friend, where's the magic trick?"
The cockney then said, "Look in the scouser's pockets."
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