All riders-velodrome

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New Member
Beside the road
Is there room for one more?
May 30th 1-3 PM right?

How do I go about booking the bike hire / shoes (Do I need shoes or just cleats?)


How much does it cost to Oldham?
Hokey Kokey folks, the paperwork's just arrived.

I need your bike size(s) and full names- P.M. me. It's £9.30 for two hour bike hire, and APPROX. £10 for the session. I'm happy to accept payment on the day. By giving me your info, i'll assume you are definitely coming and i'll be well forked off if you don't turn up and leave me (and everyone else) in the lurch by having to spread the cost more. I'm not making any money on this, I just enjoy riding the velodrome and am looking forward to having a ride with you chaps/esses.

Anyway, that's the stiff bit over with.

Is anyone interested in getting the derny on as well? that'll be and extra £61 to be very very VERY out of breath. If enough people want it i'll book it.


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
Not really interested in the derny... I think I'll struggle enough as it is!! :sad::biggrin:

Will PM details soonish. Cheers for organising this, Dan. ;)

PS - Is the bike size just like the one I currently ride (i.e. 56cm) or is there some strange convention of measuring in 'hands' or 'sprocket lengths' that we need to know?


Legendary Member
dan_bo said:
Made me laugh- It says on the paperwork that ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE ABLE TO RIDE A BIKE - I imagine that's there due to previous cock- ups.......

Yes - that amused me the first time I booked the track at Manchester! You have a PM from me - no bike required I have my own track specific machine



Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
dan_bo said:
Made me laugh- It says on the paperwork that ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE ABLE TO RIDE A BIKE - I imagine that's there due to previous cock- ups.......

PM'ed mate...........that's me out then...I keep falling off ! :tongue:


Last of the Summer Winos
I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull out.

Looks like i'm going on holiday that week :bravo:

I blame the missus .....


Legendary Member
I don't want to hi-jack this thread .... but if anyone wants to ride the track at Newport Velodrome (exactly the same track size etc as Manchester) on Sat 2 May - 2 hour session from 1400-1600 - there are a few places - either PM or e-mail rob@ the domain in my sig line

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