All riders-velodrome

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Über Member
South Norfolk
I'm no physicist, but isn't it down to centripetal force?

Wouldn't the wheel speed at which the noise stops depend on the weight of the spokey-dokes?

I might have a full on track bike by that time.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Silly question - would they allow a road going track bike - i.e. with brakes - I assume it would need the correct BB height though ?

I assume not cos it has brakes ?


Legendary Member
Landslide said:
Aye, you'd have to take the brakes and levers off.

... and they wouldn't be very keen on tyres that had been on the road.

Bikes on the track must have no brakes, as stated, and nothing "sticking out" like gear change levers or bosses, bottle cages etc - and SPD-M pedals are a no-no too. BB height/crank length (165 is the preferred) are also issues

It's also likely that a road fixie would be too low-geared for track - most road would be in the 63 - 73 inch area - track needs to be 82+ (mine is 91) to get the speed to stay on the banking with a reasonable cadence



Über Member
South Norfolk
Agreed on the tyres, but at the same time you don't want brand new slicks as they apparently don't have the grip on wood. You give them a light sanding first to get rid of the top coating.


Legendary Member
Will1985 said:
Agreed on the tyres, but at the same time you don't want brand new slicks as they apparently don't have the grip on wood. You give them a light sanding first to get rid of the top coating.

This what you do with new tyres :

1 Wire-brush them GENTLY to roughen the surface
2 Wipe with white vinegar which softens the surface slightly, wire brush again GENTLY

... and if you're really keen, wipe with white vinegar as you take to the boards - the slight softening aids adhesion without loss of speed.

(That's what Mr Hoy told me :wacko: )



Legendary Member
Landslide said:
Did he not add "Get your mechanic to..."?:hyper:

... when we saw him (with Jamie Staff) at Newport they both had tools etc (OK a spanner, a track pump and a chain-whip) and not a mechanic in sight :smile:



Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
New tyres - they will have you - out on the car park..... just the same as any other tyre - you don't push it when new !


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
OK - I'll have a hire bike..nah..nah..I ride Looks.... so no fiddling......can't believe stock is still Look Delta...... :smile::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: - old fella here.....

It really was great fun last time I did a taster.... no idea about what the stock gear was.... felt said.....go fast round the top...... otherwise you will fall off.....

TBH well looking forward to it (I have wife clearance :smile:) as I don't have time to do any competitive stuff, or much fun stuff..... the CC Manc rides were about my limit to get out and just ride.......for hours...... :hyper:


Legendary Member
Young Un said:
Does manchester let you change the pedals to your ones or do you have to hire shoes?

Nope - no pedal changing allowed - shoes were £3 to rent last time I went.

The bike fleet is now mainly quite smart Dolans - and a in a good range of sizes.

The organiser MUST get a list of the people together and send it to the Velodrome before the day to :

a) make sure they have the paperwork for the disclaimer to sign AND

B) so that they can sort the bikes out ready (they will have the bikes lined up on the ramp with a post-it note on each saddle with the rider's name.


Young Un

New Member
Cheers for that Rob.

I have booked myself in for two youth sessions on the 6th of april, so will have a bit of experience before I come to the cyclechat meeting. Does anyone know if the bikes that they use for the youth sessions have looks on them, cus I would like to use clipless but because it is the youth session they might just give us flats?


Legendary Member
Young Un said:
Also what size gear do they run on the hire bikes?

To answer both questions -

All of the bikes have Look pedals - if you don't have your own shoes you can either rent them with Look cleats or they fit a toeclip adaptor (a sort of block cleat with a toeclip + strap) to the Looks and you wear non-cleat shoes/trainers. You aren't allowed to ride with "flat" pedals (i.e. not cleats or toeclips) for the obvious reason ... if you lose your pedal you will doubtless fall off, cause a crash, damage the woodwork - probably all three ... and chop your foot off with the rotating pedal (remember, without your feet on the pedals you have no way of slowing or stopping!)

Gearing for the hire bikes we've used at Manachester and Newport is around 82-84

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