qigong chimp
I take it we've all seen this? Michael Hartmann for the win!
That's given Doughty Cakes good publicity!Let's find out!
I am getting worried about you @Drago, that could almost be a plus for Facebook (ie making you aware of those products), and, if I am not mistaken, up thread you were talking of taking photographs of offending pavement parkers, could a smartphone with camera be on the cards?I must admit, I do like the look of their product.
I must admit, I do like the look of their product.
Fear not old chum, it's still the camera on my olde JCB dumb phone. I decent light it can produce a good image.I am getting worried about you @Dragocould a smartphone with camera be on the cards?![]()
Are you sure? y/nPlease dont do that. The guys manager has responded positively, assures me the driver is going to get a good bollarding, and Im happy with that. I don't want to be seen to be an arse just for the sake of it, so I'd be grateful if you could take that down from Faecesbook please @mjr.
Enforcement is widely ignored, pedestrians are left to struggle around these obstructions and drivers care only about their own convenience. What's needed is something like the Catclaw:
View: https://youtu.be/0moP21omQXc
Yes, it has obvious drawbacks but something that turns the tables on selfish drivers is long overdue.
(And don't have a heart attack, it's just a concept to provoke discussions on pavement parking, not a real product.)
Indeed. Dynamiting is better.Heck,that's a bit extreme. Have they thought about how long that obstructive vehicle will be there while the owner gets someone to come out to repair/replace the popped tyres?🤔