A pavement parking odyssey

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Charming but somewhat feckless
Nope, nice exaggeration but a worthy effort

I asked as it may not have been but @CanucksTraveller says it is and I’m assuming he either knows that location or took the photo. Is he wrong?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I live on a terrace of 10 houses. A car width off road was gifted by a neighbouring landowner the full length of the terrace. Problem is that others who do not live here regard it as a handy parking spot leaving no room for residents. Harsh words have been exchanged and some unauthorised notices put up as well but it does not deter them. Problem is now finding who actually owns that bit of land as some of us wanted to club together to buy the parking space and thus have legitimate reason to bar strangers. So far nobody will own up to owning it, not even our cash strapped local council. Grrrr.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
This afternoon I went out on my bike for a few hours. At 35 miles and around 2.30pm, I was passing through Worsley, one of the suburban areas of Manchester/Salford and my mind drifted back to this thread. So out of curiosity I decided to count the pavement parkers before I met the dual carriageway of the A580.
In the two miles which followed I counted 64 and this was along roads which included a section where there were no houses, where there were houses adequate space to park cars on both sides of the road to allow traffic to flow and no schools.


My question is.Motorists everywhere are parking on pavements and grassed veges all around our area.Now the grass is chewed up.So when all they have left is ruts and it's all gone to crap.and eventually ruined and they cannot park on that either.The councils have no money to repair with hardcore or tarmac where are these numpties going to park then.In ten, fifteen years grassed verges will be like the grand canyon deep rutted and useless.But that's ok as long as i can park the tin box.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
I live on a terrace of 10 houses. A car width off road was gifted by a neighbouring landowner the full length of the terrace. Problem is that others who do not live here regard it as a handy parking spot leaving no room for residents. Harsh words have been exchanged and some unauthorised notices put up as well but it does not deter them. Problem is now finding who actually owns that bit of land as some of us wanted to club together to buy the parking space and thus have legitimate reason to bar strangers. So far nobody will own up to owning it, not even our cash strapped local council. Grrrr.
Fence it in and claim it by registering possessory title with the Land Registry... no-one knows who owns it so no-one has the authority to stop you.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Fence it in and claim it by registering possessory title with the Land Registry... no-one knows who owns it so no-one has the authority to stop you.
Not really possible to fence it as cars are parked parallel to the roadway and not everybody would want to do this anyway. We generally all get on as a mini community but the problem arises as to who holds the title and ownership of houses can change.


Leg End Member
Not really possible to fence it as cars are parked parallel to the roadway and not everybody would want to do this anyway. We generally all get on as a mini community but the problem arises as to who holds the title and ownership of houses can change.
Claim it and then if used for parking, get a limit on the number of vehicles per property that can use it from the start.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Claim it and then if used for parking, get a limit on the number of vehicles per property that can use it from the start.
Controversial. For a while I had 2 vehicles there, one of which was nearly 6 metres long. Most only have one but provision has to be made for genuine visitors and also tradesmen and health workers doing home visits. Bit of a minefield.


Leg End Member
Controversial. For a while I had 2 vehicles there, one of which was nearly 6 metres long. Most only have one but provision has to be made for genuine visitors and also tradesmen and health workers doing home visits. Bit of a minefield.
The limit was for those residents parking their own vehicles there.

I'm thinking here of those houses where there seems to be a vehicle for everyone in an address.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
You could all club together and erect collapsible bollards on each of the spaces with a padlock with a suited key so each of the locks is openable with each other's keys, providing you have checked on your Council's Adoptable Highways map that it hasn't been adopted as Highway!


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
Did you miss the question mark in my post? I even included the word ‘possibly’ to show some further doubt but somehow you think that’s me exaggerating.

You're not wrong.
The front of the panzer was at most about a foot or two off the tactile pavement, either way I think we agree that it's truly splitting hairs to argue that factor, and it doesn't matter one bit (despite the resident pedantry) whether it's on tactile bits or next to them. It's on a junction. You can't park within 10 metres or 30 feet of such a junction. It's parking done by a selfish imbecile.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
You could all club together and erect collapsible bollards on each of the spaces with a padlock with a suited key so each of the locks is openable with each other's keys, providing you have checked on your Council's Adoptable Highways map that it hasn't been adopted as Highway!
The area is not part of the highway but getting any sensible answer out of A&B council is impossible. Tarring of the highway stops at the edge of the parking area. It is further complicated by having a BT manhole full of wires which they need access to at unpredictable times. My main co-conspirator has unfortunately now died and getting the rest to agree is like herding cats. Notice boards saying “ Resident parking only” seems to be the only way forward just now. If any meaningful money is spent somebody claiming to be an owner is certain to appear and frankly I cannot be bothered with the hassle that would cause.
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