205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Progress thread

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Cracking a solo.
Kurt keeps trucking along and finishes the day with 211 miles.



Bionic Subsonic
Hmm, not to dispute the Legend thing but... orthopedic surgeons won't discharge you after surgery until you've been assessed by a physio who shows you how to use your crutches, how to safely get yourself up/down/into/out of chairs, beds, toilet, etc., how to negotiate steps and stairs. It's your routine maneuvers and safety in the first 24 hours at home that they focus on. Of course, they may make remarks on how well you are able to do those things hours after surgery but unlike the physiotherapist who Steve will no doubt see shortly, post-surgical physios don't do any "therapy" and don't prescribe any exercises.

YES! :smile:

When I had my arm nailed back together last summer the hospital physio did an assessment and gave me a sheet of exercizes for keeping my rotator cuff moving. He told me to do as many of them as I could, as soon as I was able. They gave me a flying start with the physiotherapist I saw a few weeks later.

Ankles should repair faster than a humerus so I'm hoping he has a speedy recovery. I'm sure he'll make the right decision for him as soon as he is able to, so until then - Get Well Soon Steve!


Cracking a solo.
[QUOTE 3623489, member: 9609"]Kurt has been incredibly boring this past few days just cycling back and forth along the same roads - I hope he's going on tour soon.

He did make one venture out of town to a little place called "England" google maps not quite as uplifting as our green and pleasant land.[/QUOTE]
Wow, get off your horse and drink your milk! I noticed there was a segment called "England Road"
I wonder if he does have plans to head off around the country again, I know you were enjoying following him on google maps doing your own virtual US tour :smile:
I think, although I may have imagined it, that he's doing the RAAM, I could be wrong though I frequently am.


Cracking a solo.
Kurt puts in 220 miles. This means that Kurt has now passed Steve total mileage for the year by 117 miles.



World class procrastinator
[QUOTE 3625950, member: 9609"]Kurt seems to be running out of bikes, both his road bikes are off the road, started the day off on the recumbent and snapped a brake cable - so not sure what he is riding today but from his tracker he is on the move.

View: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1598556113719429&video_source=pages_finch_main_video[/QUOTE]
I now have visions of Kurt riding some kid's bike with handlebar streamers and a basket on the front, just to keep moving :laugh:


World class procrastinator
On Twitface a bit back:

Chris 'Hoppo' hopkinson
40 mins ·
Formal Announcement.

Steve is now out of hospital (after his operation to have metal plates fotted to his ankle) and is recovering at home. He has decided to continue with the record attempt and as a team we are very seriously considering running a concurrent record attempt, starting sometime in the late summer this year after Steve should have made a full recovery. This is within the UMCA rules for this record attempt, so neither record attempt would end uf he started again in the summer.

Steve is due to lose his advantage on the current record (and be roughly at the same mileage Tommy Godwin was at the same time of year), strangely on 11th April, which is HAM'R day. To mitigate that loss we are now looking into Steve using a recumbent trike. Steve has asked several medics and doctors whether this was wise to do ( when he was at hospital) and had no negative feedback. Riding a recumbent trike will mean that he can sit in an ideal position for recovery from his injuries, with the ankle raised. So as far as the injured ankle is concerned, it should be no different to sitting on his couch at home. Being outdoors will also give the benefit of extra vitamin D, which is very good for his bones.

We can use the Milton Keynes Bowl for Steve to ride on so that Steve is never far from home and will be riding on a traffic-free circuit used for road racing. We anticipate Steve to be travelling very slowly, as he will be riding one-legged on a different kind of bike to what he normally rides, but if he can manage 5-10mph for 10hrs a day he should reduce his losses by over 2,000miles by the end of April. The doctors have given him 6weeks before the injury will have recovered enough to be weight bearing.

On the negative side, the losses could be too great to recover. We don't know if Steve will recover fast enough to get back up to speed and meet his very demanding summer schedule, in order to re-catch what Tommy Godwin did in 1939. We don't know for sure if this plan will work.

On the positive side. Steve was going from strength to strength during the first 3months of the record attempt and when he set off for Exeter last Saturday he felt stronger than he had all year. He has now had a good amount of recovery time after the accident. Although we don't know if Steve can meet the demanding summer schedule as soon as he is fully recovered from injury, we don't know that he can't either.

It also seems possible that he could make a very good and fast recovery. We will have a better idea when he sees the doctor in 2weeks on how he is recovering. Of course, we don't know either way how it will go. But because we can keep this record attempt going without putting another record attempt at risk ( and riding on may even be helpful to Steve's recovery - and still have a fighting chance of achieving what he set out to do ), it seems logical to give it a try.

Steve's main aim is to make a good recovery - and if using the recumbent trike doesn't work out we can always stop completely and have a complete restart in summer. He will not be doing anything rash, or take any risks. Nor will he go against professional medical advice. Steve would like to thank all his supporters for their continued support and messages of goodwill. He will keep everyone fully updated as his new plans progress. In the meantime, Steve wishes to pass on his regards and wish the best of luck to Kurt Searvogel who continues to ride strong and fast in the same record attempt and has proven himself to be a great sportsman, as well as a great sport.


Über Member
I have been talking with my cycling friends about it just now. My personal choice would be start again in the summer but I am sure Steve will just get on a trike and keep churning out the miles. Bloody amazing news though and so happy for him and the team.


Legendary Member
On Twitface a bit back:

Chris 'Hoppo' hopkinson
40 mins ·
Formal Announcement.
....., as he will be riding one-legged on a different kind of bike to what he normally rides, but if he can manage 5-10mph for 10hrs a day he should reduce his losses by over 2,000miles by the end of April. The doctors have given him 6weeks before the injury will have recovered enough to be weight bearing......

He is just amazing!
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Silencing his legs regularly
The Six Million Sausage Man.....

Smart plan. If he can get rolling again reasonably quickly he stands a chance of keeping up with Kurt (and Mr Smith, once he starts) on the first attempt. If not, set a date for number two to begin, keep on going, already up to speed & distance.


Cycling in the sun
Could he have two record attempts on the go concurrently?

So the existing attempt could still accumulate miles to the end of the year, and then a second attempt starting later in the year?
Wow my ambling thoughts turned out to be right .....:whistle:

I'm pleased that I will have more updates to look forward to AND it will make the attempt all the more incredible! :bravo:
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