205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Progress thread

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South Tyneside
I must apologise for getting the wrong word.
I was a bit uneasy about this story/challenge from the start, which you might gather if you read my initial posts.

Because of growing uneasyness I had just decided to give the thread a miss but as a creature of habit clicked to find the unfortunate news.
I wish the Kurt/Tarzen thread well. and Steve good health and luck in future goals.

13 rider

Give up? Never. I've just worked out, God forbid that Steve takes the rest of the year off, I still wouldn't catch his mileage until October/November time.
I've just worked out if I carry on at my milage rate I will past Steve total in June, in the year 2021 ^_^. Makes you realise what an incredible feat its been .
I am already missing looking at the tracker and waiting for the daily totals it just became part of my daily routine.
Get well soon steve


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Just got this.
Steve's News
31st March 2015

Dear Graham
We really do appreciate the interest concern and support that so many of you are showing.

Just to let you all know Steven is to receive an operation tomorrow on Wednesday April 1st 2015.

Steve is taking careful professional advice over the next day or so and we will be back in touch just as soon as we have a decision on what the plans are from here on.

Once again thanks for your support.

Steve's Team


Cracking a solo.
Kurt stays close to home and knocks out a 216 miler



Über Member
Steve is a legend. Physio a few hours post surgery. Let's see what Friday brings with the announcement. It's like waiting for Xmas
Steve is a legend. Physio a few hours post surgery.
Hmm, not to dispute the Legend thing but... orthopedic surgeons won't discharge you after surgery until you've been assessed by a physio who shows you how to use your crutches, how to safely get yourself up/down/into/out of chairs, beds, toilet, etc., how to negotiate steps and stairs. It's your routine maneuvers and safety in the first 24 hours at home that they focus on. Of course, they may make remarks on how well you are able to do those things hours after surgery but unlike the physiotherapist who Steve will no doubt see shortly, post-surgical physios don't do any "therapy" and don't prescribe any exercises.

Let's see what Friday brings with the announcement. It's like waiting for Xmas
YES! :smile:
The medical profession in general lumps everyone in the same bandwidth so to speak, they do not take into account those of us who are er, not normal. After my last surgery I was told a minimum of 6 weeks before I could ride my bike, 4 days was all it took. Admittedly this is an ankle so will likely be a few days longer :smile:. I will bet money Steve has even thought of riding with one leg or even hand cycling, you don't take on a monumental challenge like this without a big dollop of determination.


Über Member
After my hip replacement I was back on the bike after 3 weeks. The physio discharged me from her care after 2 visits. Steve will hopefully give us all great news on Friday.... Come on calender move faster as we know this fella is going to ride on
The medical profession in general lumps everyone in the same bandwidth so to speak, they do not take into account those of us who are er, not normal. After my last surgery I was told a minimum of 6 weeks before I could ride my bike, 4 days was all it took. Admittedly this is an ankle so will likely be a few days longer :smile:. I will bet money Steve has even thought of riding with one leg or even hand cycling, you don't take on a monumental challenge like this without a big dollop of determination.

They tend to regard everyone as a couch potato who drinks 12 pints a night and snacking on deep fried pork pies .*

*May be some exaggeration in post.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
After my hip replacement I was back on the bike after 3 weeks. The physio discharged me from her care after 2 visits.

Good effort.

After my hip op, I may have made it on to a static exercise bike after three weeks, but not an ordinary one.

I think I was still using two crutches, so would have struggled to mount a bike that wasn't supported.

No idea about ankles, but there's no doubt that super fit people such as Steve recover many times faster than the likes of me.
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