205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Progress thread

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Surely he's so far up on Tommy's record at this stage that a few weeks off to heal wouldn't necessarily be fatal to his attempt on the year record?

It will be more then a few weeks. (broken bones and plates) and not only that but with the time off the bike Steve's fitness will wane, he would need to build it up again as he had to and did with this challenge. The best bet is to wait until he is completely healed, got his fitness back and get going again starting from scratch. Perhaps in the summer. He will have the added bonus of his experience of the past few months to look back on and also to see where he would need to be in relation to the other competitors. Oh yes, better weather. Rather then 2 winters and a summer, he would benefit from 2 summers and 1 winter.


Über Member
I just deleted the tracker from my phone. Still can't believe how this challenge has taken over my life and as @ianrauk has said maybe Steve will start again from scratch in the summer. I do hope so as I think he was going to smash the record even with recumbent kurt following his every move.


Firm and Fruity
Steve has a job and an employer, these real life little things tend to get in the way of world record attempts.
i wonder if he could afford to try again next year? Will his employer be so accommodating next time round?


World class procrastinator
Steve has a job and an employer, these real life little things tend to get in the way of world record attempts.
i wonder if he could afford to try again next year? Will his employer be so accommodating next time round?
I was under the impression that Steve had left his job to do this record attempt, but I see what you mean.


A Human Being
Sadly maybe this shows attempting the year record in England is a no goer as the traffic levels are massively higher than they were in the 30's and an incident of some kind is always going to be very likely:sad:.
I've lost all enthusiasm for this record without Steve's involvement.
No disrespect to Kurt's efforts of course of which I hope he goes on to break the record, but I'm really not overly bothered.
Will check his progress now and again.


I hear you @ianrauk . When I first heard about the whole thing I as a bit meh, but my interest increased as I read up a little more about it. I have been surprised by how excited and engrossed in it I have become, particularly when I read that people like yourself (a bloke I've never met) had actually ridden with Steve (another bloke I've never met), it's all a bit weird really. However whilst I feel desperately disappointed and disheartened about the whole thing right now I'm going to try to follow the progress of yet another bloke I haven't met with at least a little bit of interest, although I really have lost that vicarious connection I had :sad:

Both of you have expressed exactly my feelings. I was too shocked and upset yesterday to post much except to circulate the news when it first broke.
I've never met Steve much less ridden with him, but I do know and have ridden with @ianrauk .... and do know and have ridden with my partner @Flying Dodo who also knows and has ridden with Steve. Those connections are close enough for me to care about Steve and his attempt.

I have no idea how the next few months and indeed rest of 2015 may play out for Steve, but I must admit this has popped into my mind a time or two:

Tommy broken bones.jpg

One of the key defining characteristics of Steve's mental abilities in endurance cycling events is his unusually high tolerance for pain. So I can't help but think, we shouldn't write off Steve's 2015 HAM'R attempt just yet...


Bionic Subsonic
I'm not sure it does. This was unlucky. Tommy Godwin was knocked off his bike more than once during his year. I think I heard he rode with a broken collar bone for some of the ride as well.

Kurt has been knocked off a few times but luckily has come away with nothing more than road rash. Steve has only hit the deck twice (first on ice, he was fine, though the host riding with him suffered a broken pelvis), and yesterday.

There's another Brit entering the fray next month. Miles is 'a crazy pom' expat according to our Australian members over on YACF. Another Randonneur too.

I hope Steve can recover in time to set a decent total on the forst HAMR, at least if he can beat IronOx then he will hold the UMCA age group record for a decent while. There's more important things than the HAM'R though so please make sure you are ok to get back on before you resume Steve.


Cycling in the sun
From what I saw over on YACF he will be the record holder come 1st Jan anyway, if not for the amount he wanted, and only for a short while till Kurtz posts his year's total.

And presumably even if he doesn't restart during the year any recovery riding would also count to that total if logged correctly?


Bionic Subsonic
True. He's on the clock until the 31st December, so anything he manages to ride (and log) will add to the total. There is also the 18-49 age group record that he and IronOx are entered in (Kurt and Miles are in the 50-59 age group), so if he can beat IronOX then he will hold the age group title.


Cracking a solo.
True. He's on the clock until the 31st December, so anything he manages to ride (and log) will add to the total. There is also the 18-49 age group record that he and IronOx are entered in (Kurt and Miles are in the 50-59 age group), so if he can beat IronOX then he will hold the age group title.
The age group is 18-49? I didn't know that, that's a big old age bracket!


Cycling in the sun
Drunk ... At that time of day:eek: When will they learn:cursing:

Still Steve looks in better shape than I was expecting, hope he makes a quick and good recovery!
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