205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Progress thread

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Über Member
Does anyone know where Steve is planning to ride to today? I am looking at the tracker and see he may head out towards me based on the current track.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Does anyone know where Steve is planning to ride to today? I am looking at the tracker and see he may head out towards me based on the current track.

His diary says Portsmouth tonight.
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Kurt's on the move...3 miles asunder..

Temperature: " 22C - feels like...22C" :rolleyes: It's ok though, it'll be down to a miserable 19C by 4am tomorrow. Maybe Kurt'll stay in bed until it warms up a bit.


A Human Being
What a shame I missed him this morning, from his tracker info I was just a couple of miles away when he passed through Shrivenham.
Although I only saw his tracker info when I got back home, better luck next time.

13 rider

Can someone explain the term "marsh gibbons" thanks

Tim Hall

A place in England. You mean you haven't been there? Like stamp collectors have the Stanley Gibbons, record collectors have their Marsh Gibbons...
<off at a tangent>Erm, I think it can be truly said that the Americans have, er, their soul singers, and we English have our soul singers.</tangent>


World class procrastinator
[QUOTE 3609301, member: 9609"]Last time kurt spent a day in Waveland it was 745' ascent in 221 miles - you would do more climbing on a billiard table !
if you did 221 miles where I live it would be about 16,000 foot of ascent.[/QUOTE]
Might take longer though?
[QUOTE 3609301, member: 9609"]Last time kurt spent a day in Waveland it was 745' ascent in 221 miles - you would do more climbing on a billiard table !
if you did 221 miles where I live it would be about 16,000 foot of ascent.[/QUOTE]

<off at a tangent>Erm, I think it can be truly said that the Americans have, er, their soul singers, and we English have our soul singers.</tangent>
You mean like people who sell houses can be soul agents? Steve is a bit like that - A soul, a gent. I understand what you mean, Tim. Probably the reverse will rarely be true. :rolleyes: And let's not forget Kurt 'Grimpy con Chimpies' Searvogel - 'Southern Soul' at the moment...
281 and a bit days to go...still shaking my head. :wacko: (Something is bound to connect soon...)
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