205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Progress thread

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Pale Rider

Legendary Member
And that was his 11th 200+ miler for the challenge.

Which is great, but the other bloke has put in more than forty 200+ milers.

I want Steve to win, but he's looking like an heroic second at the moment.


Silencing his legs regularly
Way too early to call. I'm glad that Kurt's offering (very) strong competition, and I hope he continues to do so, this shouldn't come down to injury or Real Life interruptions. I'd like it to be won, not lost (and they're both winners, anyway). But Steve and team have a plan, and they're sticking to it. 11 200+ mile days in a British winter isn't looking like a heroic second, it's a great start. He's already done a day longer than my longest ever ride, in far less favourable conditions.


slower but no further
SE London
Remember Kurt is riding in virtually British Summer conditions and will presumably be moving north as the months progress to maintain near optimum riding conditions. In other words his cycling rate should, if things go well, be around the same level. Kurt has to improve on this performance (201/day) to actually beat Tommy.

Whereas Steve is has been doing 15 hour rides in short 8 to 11 hour days. He has been well ahead of Tommy's mileage which was also restricted at this time. Now look how Tommy's mileage increases as the days get longer and weather improves. Steve should more than match that making 250/300 days possible if not routine. So by end of the British summer, all other things equal, Steve should be well ahead. So counter intuitively Steve is looking a better bet at this time to beat Tommy than Kurt.

The crunch comes as next winter begins and Steve's mileage is curtailed again. If Kurt is then a threat maybe Steve will cross the channel and chase the sun too. I'll put a few bob into his sponsorship fund if he needs it.

You also make a good bit of your luck too. While either of them could be taken out by a truck at any time - I do note that Kurt appears to have had more non-third party issues. Is this suggestive he may be becoming more tired at the end of the day or pushing closer to his limits? Runner or rider you should be keeping something spare for the final push. The one who does this best usually wins.

13 rider

Just looked a Steve tracker and he passed within 5 miles of home and has been on the same roads as me (see my ride today) At least he heading east and riding with the wind .Ive struggled to do 59.6 miles and Steve's already done 126 I'm in awe of this man
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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
183.6miles for the red wanderer today...



Steve's only 30 miles from my accumulative mileage last year.
I know how Steve feels - I just discovered this thread and have passed the last couple of hours reading it - he`s done more in two months than I`ve done in two years. Steve is truly inspring, I just look at his tally in disbelief and giggle to myself
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