205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Progress thread

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jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
I am slightly miffed that I missed him. He went within a few miles of me last night and then back again the same way this morning. Would have cycled out to say hi


World class procrastinator
[QUOTE 3502095, member: 9609"]He really needs a mate with a camper van, they could do JOG to Scilly then up to the Arctic circle - would just be amazing[/QUOTE]
I had visions of a little VW camper as I read that. He'd be better off with a mate with a nice comfy camper van with a permanent bed so he could get a really good night's kip while his mate fettles the bike.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
A bit of a shorter day today for Steve.


SA Map.jpg


Bionic Subsonic
Quote from Teethgrinder today over on the other place: -

I'm doing my own thing
I am going pretty well today so might crack 200 but anything oveer 170 wikldo
Zoe from The Guardian might meet me at the Hop Pole in Tewkedbury whete Blacksheep finishes his events. Then tailwind home.

That first line refers to whether he's racing Tarzan, who put in a 250 mile day yesterday!

The Guardian article we think will be in on Saturday :smile:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
You can see on the graph Kurt's 250 miler yesterday has lifted him back up near Tommy's annual average.
And Steve is still above his own schedule.



"Tarzan" rode south all day on dead straight, pan flat roads in 17 degree heat with a 15 mph tail wind.
Plenty of us on this forum could have done that.
Fair enough as a one off - but could you still churn out ~200 mile rides for the other 364 days?


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Kurt is finally on the move today. Looks like he had a lie in.

Steve currently at 106 miles and heading back to MK after looping nowhereville NW of Cheltenham
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