205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Discussion thread

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World class procrastinator
I like the little mph/BPM graphic on the video. Steve looks well layered up its amazing he can ride so far everyday in all that kit.
How far and fast will he be riding when released from the bulk of that lot?


Cracking a solo.
Are they allowed to have a day off? Presumably they don't have to ride every single day? I've wondered this if they are feeling really unwell, rather than the weather putting them off.
William "Ironox" Pruett has had three days of so far, it doesn't appear to have had much of an effect on his challenge :whistle:

Tim Hall

Beer news from the UCMA (the people who wrote the rules for this):
From Drew Clark, UMCA-

Due to the several misinterpretations of the rules governing alcohol, UMCA is providing this clarification:

Alcohol may not be consumed at any time between the start and finish of all miles ridden that will be logged for that day. If alcohol is consumed after the riding for that day has been completed, a rider must allow sufficient time to elapse to ensure that alcohol has cleared the rider’s system before starting their next ride.

Comments regarding this issue:
This is a new interpretation of pre-existing rule. Alcohol consumption was already prohibited before this. At no time would alcohol at midday have been allowed. But two interpretations were possible:
1. HAM’R is a sanctioned attempt from start to finish; therefore no alcohol at all for the entire year.
2. HAM’R is different from other attempts in that other attempts feature non-stop riding. So the no-alcohol rule should apply only during, or before, the riding time each day. Thus, a drink after the day’s riding is done could be allowed.

UMCA has opted for interpretation #2 and does so with the wording above.

UMCA recommends that all HAM’R riders be aware that the main body of rules still governs, with the Appendix B of HAM’R rules being an addendum thereto. The Rules are posted on the UMCA website and each rider, or delegate thereof, should download the current version and follow those rules in their entirety.

UMCA Records Chairman

Looks like common sense is breaking out.


Kilometre nibbler
Sunday weather forecast looks awful, hope Steve has a plan.
I drove down the A1 from Yorkshire and there were bands of heavy rain and poor visibility. Miserable but not actually difficult conditions for cycling.

Really Steve has been lucky so far, in that we've had no bad snow or ice.


Beer news from the UCMA (the people who wrote the rules for this):

Looks like common sense is breaking out.
I understood that Chris, as crew chief, is covered by the same restriction. So, wherever he is, which as we know recently included a different time zone, does he have to await a text from Steve confirming that he's stopped for the day before Chris can have a drink? Or has common sense extended even further?


Smutmaster General
Steve's Strava Heat Map so far:

Steve's Strava Heat Map so far:

You're not going to catch me out this time fnaarster...oh no! See yesterday in the progress thread. One thing's for sure - Steve must have a goodbody to keep going like the clappers day after day. :smile:
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