205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Discussion thread

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Similarly, it could be said that NEITHER of the modern record bids can be compared to the original Tommy Godwin record; thanks to modern lighter bikes with wider ranges of gears, better lights, improved clothing, etc..
The fact of the matter is that the record is purely for DISTANCE cycled in a year. It's not in any way related to height climbed, headwinds beaten, days of rain, or miles done in the dark.
If both Kurt and Steve are successful, then Steve will obviously still have the BRITISH record, irrespective of what Kurt does.

Tommy did have a heavier bike, but with all Steve's gear he's carrying it works out near enough the same.
Kurt is riding lightweight bikes with all the gear being carried by his back up Winnebago.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Tommy did have a heavier bike, but with all Steve's gear he's carrying it works out near enough the same.
Noticed that big Carradice rack bag in yesterdays photo. What is he carrying when he's "only" out for a 2 day ride with one night (for now) away from home??
I carry less for 2 weeks in France, if I'm not camping!
Similarly, it could be said that NEITHER of the modern record bids can be compared to the original Tommy Godwin record; thanks to modern lighter bikes with wider ranges of gears, better lights, improved clothing, etc..
The fact of the matter is that the record is purely for DISTANCE cycled in a year. It's not in any way related to height climbed, headwinds beaten, days of rain, or miles done in the dark.
If both Kurt and Steve are successful, then Steve will obviously still have the BRITISH record, irrespective of what Kurt does.
Those conditions are the sort of thing 'we' general purpose cyclists identify with. We also nominally 'realise' the colossal undertaking (by anyone here, or there). If all rides turned into pancake flat ones, I think there would be a 'loss' of identity somehow - for Steve at any rate. Obviously, the ideal would have been to try and copy the routes originally used - within reason, by TG, so that a 'like for like' comparison might be made. 'Corinthian spirit' might exemplify Steve, as he is keeping his rides as real as could be.

On the Progress thread, Ian said:
To be honest I'm really not bothered about Kurt. I have met Steve and cycled with him a few times. I'm really only interested in following his ride and progress rather then the side show. Though it does make for compelling viewing.

Pale Rider offered:
Kurt will be a bit more than a sideshow if he beats Steve on mileage.

I'm a bigger patriot than most people I know, but to me it's winner take all.

The tiny audax community will always remember Steve, the wider world will forget him within a week, just as they will Tarzan if he does fewer miles.

Pale Rider, Today at 12:28Report
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If it does come to a 'winner takes all' situation then there needs to be fair comparison of conditions. Maybe my thoughts are with the 'romance', endurance and spirit of the ride and, like Ian, regard an optimum conditions, mile-munching exercise with bed-in-a-van following along behind,(heaven forbid in front :ohmy:*) as just a bit too antiseptic.
As for Steve being forgotten by the wider world within a week...well, let's tell and Tweet and write so that just doesn't happen. Audax UK could start with the 'Teethgrinder Two Hundred' or somesuch name for one of its rides, Milton Keynes Council would get a statue organised...a 'Boris Bronze' depicting Steve and achievements etc at the 'royal bit' of the East West Superhighway...all sorts of interesting things! Same for Kurt in Florida or wherever he can be remembered.

*Lighthearted aside - don't get silly.
Oh Steve you must have a really crap job to think punishing indulging yourself with double century rides everyday in England during the depths of winter is just one big holiday,


Lover of things that come in 3's
Oh Steve you must have a really crap job to think punishing yourself with double century rides everyday in England during the depths of winter is just one big holiday,

I think he has a passion/obsession/addiction - it may be an extreme example, by some standards, but he truly does embody working to live


Über Member
County Durham

OK I'll accept the correction. I should also probably have worded it " you must really hate your job".
Everyone reading my past posts knows I although I have never met Steve ( I hope I will later this year on the road ) that I am a big supporter of steve's amazing effort and ment no disrespect.


World class procrastinator
I think he has a passion/obsession/addiction - it may be an extreme example, by some standards, but he truly does embody working to live
I used to be very similar when I had horses. I worked with animals and was self employed. I worked my backside off in the winter so that I could spend most of the summer riding and left the work to my partners in my business. Worked really well for years. Now I work as hard as I have to to spend time riding my bike and playing my guitar. Life is too bloomin' short to live to work.
OK I'll accept the correction. I should also probably have worded it " you must really hate your job".
Everyone reading my past posts knows I although I have never met Steve ( I hope I will later this year on the road ) that I am a big supporter of steve's amazing effort and ment no disrespect.
I totally get your support and know you meant no disrespect. Speculating or assuming things about someone's motivations -- even while 100% supporting what they're doing -- is one of the Dark Arts. And not knowing someone personally makes it impossible to get right.

I've never had the impression that Steve hates/hated his job - merely that it was a means to an end. As @MacB said, Steve works to live, not lives to work.

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
ok, so today I did 75k (longest of year) and very content with that. I agreed with my cycling chums that even one day of what SA is doing would represent a significant challenge (and that with 3 of the 4 of us having done Ironmans and similar)
Kurt does a lot of his rides on the various trails criss crossing Florida and they tend to be no motor vehicles so I don't think he's drafting his camper van also Alicia his crew chief has mentioned in the past her difficulties finding Kurt on the road .

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