205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Discussion thread

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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
All this talk of Kurt somehow having an unfair advantage over Steve because of the weather is conveniently ignoring the fact that for at least 6 months of the year (probably more like 8), Kurt is going to have to endure energy sapping heat and humidity; while Steve "enjoys" the more temperate climate of the south east UK..

No need to be so down on the Kurt guy. Both are having to put in super human efforts if they are going to complete their respective missions!
All this talk of Kurt somehow having an unfair advantage over Steve because of the weather is conveniently ignoring the fact that for at least 6 months of the year (probably more like 8), Kurt is going to have to endure energy sapping heat and humidity; while Steve "enjoys" the more temperate climate of the south east UK..

No need to be so down on the Kurt guy. Both are having to put in super human efforts if they are going to complete their respective missions!
Phenomenal undertaking by any athlete. Nothing wrong with being appreciative of relevant weather conditions too - and terrain, come to that. Think of riding when Spring arrives, and it's possible to feel a slight warmth as a commute unfolds...the whole experience suddenly becomes 'better'. To contrast relevant facts is an obvious observation...and, as you say, unbearable heat may influence matters in a different way later on. As a spectator, one can't but help 'levelling the playing field' mentally - so that people trying to achieve the same thing by the same method have an 'equal' chance, and the only difference is method, fitness and inevitable luck. Yet the reality is that either man would wish the other every success I reckon. Roll on a year, when the ultimate video is posted "Steve and Kurt ride the UK/USA!" It's going to be a very interesting effort, and we'll all be wondering what is going on physically, mentally and practically


Über Member
County Durham
It is difficult to ignore Kurt's advantages, he rides flatter terrain in a much better climate as often as not with favourable winds. He has more daylight and is using a recumbent every now and then. Later in the year I suspect he will move north to the great flat plains of kansas and nedraska and use the prevailing winds once more to great advantage.

However if he checks on Steve's progress as I am sure he must, he will now realise he is in completion with a superman who will not stop.
I have just donated another tenner for a breakfast and i'll do so every month, brilliant value for all the inspiration and entertainment this challenge is providing.

Go Steve!
It is difficult to ignore Kurt's advantages, he rides flatter terrain in a much better climate as often as not with favourable winds. He has more daylight and is using a recumbent every now and then. Later in the year I suspect he will move north to the great flat plains of kansas and nedraska and use the prevailing winds once more to great advantage.

Go Steve!

He'll probably still have more ascent in the flat lands than Kurt manages over in Florida. Kurt did a ride on 31st Jan - 222 miles and a grand total of 635 feet of ascent. Makes Suffolk look positively hilly by comparison.

No need to be so down on the Kurt guy. Both are having to put in super human efforts if they are going to complete their respective missions! :whistle::smile:


World class procrastinator
No need to be so down on the Kurt guy. Both are having to put in super human efforts if they are going to complete their respective missions! :whistle::smile:
Who's being down on the Kurt guy? Yes they are both putting in superhuman efforts but as Steve is English, as are a lot of us (If not English we are Scottish, Welsh & Irish) it's only natural that we are not going to be totally impartial.
It's not a level playing field by any means, as far as I can see. I have cycled in lovely flat Florida, and I've cycled in not quite so flat Yorkshire. In Winter, I know which one I'd prefer to do. I'd have done a lot more miles this year in nice, flat (ish), sunny Florida. I might not have whinged that it was cold in the mornings either, not when you consider that it's -4 here with ice coverage.
America is a massive country with climatic changes across it. Kurt can ride in the warmth in winter, and go North and ride in less heat in the height of summer. He has a following Winnibago to help him out and an pretty much instant change of bike if needs be. Hotels at night to sleep in too.

I am not impartial in the slightest. I'm English! Go Steve!
Who's being down on the Kurt guy? Yes they are both putting in superhuman efforts but as Steve is English, as are a lot of us (If not English we are Scottish, Welsh & Irish) it's only natural that we are not going to be totally impartial.
It's not a level playing field by any means, as far as I can see. I have cycled in lovely flat Florida, and I've cycled in not quite so flat Yorkshire. In Winter, I know which one I'd prefer to do. I'd have done a lot more miles this year in nice, flat (ish), sunny Florida. I might not have whinged that it was cold in the mornings either, not when you consider that it's -4 here with ice coverage.
America is a massive country with climatic changes across it. Kurt can ride in the warmth in winter, and go North and ride in less heat in the height of summer. He has a following Winnibago to help him out and an pretty much instant change of bike if needs be. Hotels at night to sleep in too.

I am not impartial in the slightest. I'm English! Go Steve!
Good question! Good answer!


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Who's being down on the Kurt guy?

Does anyone else think the american bloke is cheating by using a recumbent to try and break a record which was set by a rider using regular bike?

I believe its unfair because he is using a machine which in certain conditions I.e the. ultra flat roads which he is riding has much less wind resistance.

Even without the long line to Dallas all those other lines on that map shown in the link are highly suspicious all dead straight some going directly over water! Someone needs to tell him this is bicycle event.

I am saying the american bloke cannot even get is route verified properly because of "software issues" but our man Steve just gets on with it using multiple devices available to anyone.

Bikes arn't rocket science and changing a derailer should be a 15 min fix assuming he carries a spares in his giant support truck. Even if he can't do it himself you would think one of his support crew could. I know he broke a steering head yesterday but is no one maintaining his multiple spare bikes when he is not riding them or is everyone too busy out riding on the front taking the wind for him?

this photo on Kurt's latest fb page suggests he has two other riders both on recumbants.

Things looking badfor Kurt though if his equipment is failing this early.

"Tarzan" rode south all day on dead straight, pan flat roads in 17 degree heat with a 15 mph tail wind.
Plenty of us on this forum could have done that.

Just checked current progress. Kurt seems to be using the wind again. 50 odd miles straight west with a 13 mph tail wind gusting to 26mph. nice temperature of 21c.
He will have to turn north soon so it will be a crosswind unless he gets in the van and drives east first for another straight west leg.

Steve climbed. 54,208 mtrs
Kurt climbed 11,268 mtrs

Steve has climbed almost 5 times as much

Steve rides in sub zero January temperatures battling winds, snow, rain and sleet in england
Kurt rides in balmy 20 degree temperatures in pan flat Florida mostly with favourable tail winds as much as possible
I have cycled in lovely flat Florida, and I've cycled in not quite so flat Yorkshire. In Winter, I know which one I'd prefer to do.

I live in the mildly hilly Yorkshire Dales, and I know what Florida's like. It's no competition: Yorkshire wins. What Kurt's doing would be outstandingly tedious for one day, let alone a year. That said, for pure mile eating, Florida is patently better, so long as he can avoid feeding himself to an alligator out of sheer boredom. When he moves north to the great plains, that's going to be less than thrilling, scenery-wise, too :-\
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