205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Discussion thread

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Über Member
County Durham
Reqest to mods.
Can you pin this thread underneath the progress thread on the main page because it seems to have got lost and is difficult to find now for any new posters.

Thanks, Ian /Marcus for elucidation. H(Stev)e would have been chilled today - that wind...brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
He passed through Kings Somborne/Romsey near me this morning. We went along the same roads about 10am into a freezing cold wind.. I was very happy with a 58k spin (longest of year)....well done Steve


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Reqest to mods.
Can you pin this thread underneath the progress thread on the main page because it seems to have got lost and is difficult to find now for any new posters.

Except that this one is quite rightly in the Café, while the other is also where it belongs - in road rides, audax and sportives.
For ease of finding, click on "follow thread" at top right.
(edit: @MickeyBlueEyes was not negative but I am. apologise for the confusion)
and speaking of negativity ....

So Steve's around 20% up on Tommy after a Winter month, WOW! I can't wait until Spring and then Summer to see what this guy can really do!

I think it's hard to say how well he's doing at the moment, relative to tommy. He's got so much better lights, clothing and - most importantly - information compared to what tommy had, that it could explain the 20%.

I think he will continue the way he has started, but we just don't have enough information to know.
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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Wonder if he'll get just past Tommy's total and then take the rest of the year off or whether he'll drive himself on to 31st Dec to his personal maximum.


Über Member
County Durham
Except that this one is quite rightly in the Café, while the other is also where it belongs - in road rides, audax and sportives.
For ease of finding, click on "follow thread" at top right.

Except new posters cannot find this tread in the first place so they post non progress related stuff on the pinned thread which the mods have to move here anyway.
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