Zwift Chat

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Legendary Member
so was i :biggrin:
absolutely shattered at the end - got dropped by the group and went from 145 to 177 in an instant :sad:
hopefully going out on my favourite ride tomorrow - if its as good as it used to be then i would use that route if anyone ever pops up this way
Oh I really hope you were trying :cry:

Actually looking at all the courses for this Tour De Zwift it's very hilly so right up your street ^_^


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I’ll be at 10am tomorrow I think. ZP has my TONY stage as 1hr0m33s. It will be interesting to see how much fitness I’ve lost
ZP has me 1hr 50 secs, ave watts 228. Can't see me being able to hold that at the moment. Looking to attack the early climbs and take advantage of drafting speed on flats and downs to recover. I fear I may be a few minutes off my pb tomorrow, unless chest helps me out a bit!

Good luck in the morning :okay:


TheBoxers on Cycle Sim sw
I tested that today just before i ride stage 2 TdZ. I noticed that i have no legs at all today, so i didn't use it this time. I guess it was bit of preposterous idea ride stage 2 today. Anyway i skip stage 3 and try to ride that in a make-u day, i keep 4 days off from the cycling. I ride 100% setting today, that 17% gradient feel like a swamp.
Welcome to my world. I made a choice to ride at 100%. I never want to be fooled into believing I can go up >10% climbs in a 36/28 :cursing:. I don't race so I just suffer my real weight and as real as I can make it climbs.


Welcome to my world. I made a choice to ride at 100%. I never want to be fooled into believing I can go up >10% climbs in a 36/28 :cursing:. I don't race so I just suffer my real weight and as real as I can make it climbs.
My lowest gear ratio is same as yours so we are in a same world. I have keep 100% setting since very beginning. Not test yet how bad it feels Alpe du Zwift with Drivo 2.
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