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Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
I had the pleasure of riding with Dave on the Kiss base this morning. Kicked my arse easily on the small hill but dragged me up to 1-09 so edging closer to a minute. I already had 50km in my legs and was riding fasted so pleased with that.
Fasted though...will take some getting used to.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
What’s the idea behind a fasted ride ? Is it just to lose weight ?


You can race or train for short periods without food- as long as you've eaten normally during the day. You can ride fasted but at lower intensity for 1-1.5hours before you begin to feel it. Try racing fasted from overnight, then you will know about it :biggrin:


I had the pleasure of riding with Dave on the Kiss base this morning. Kicked my arse easily on the small hill but dragged me up to 1-09 so edging closer to a minute. I already had 50km in my legs and was riding fasted so pleased with that.
Fasted though...will take some getting used to.
You should have said you wanted to do sub 1 min; we could have pushed some more :-)


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Its effectively a one minute plus sprint albeit on an incline!

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Its effectively a one minute plus sprint albeit on an incline!

In a 4 lap race yesterday I had to hold 8w/kg on last climb to not get dropped.


Senior Member
Powys, Mid Wales
Similarly to Whorty, I always ride fasted due to not being able to exercise well after food.

Probably not the best idea when you weigh 58 kilos. Apparently Wiggins used to do 7 hour fasted rides! (No mention of TUE's please!)


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Does fasted mean not eating for a few hours before a ride? I often do that too. I thought it meant several hours, even a night, without food.
It does- 6-7 hours without food so body moves into a fasted state.
Strangely, all I have had since is chocolate milk and I don’t feel hungry

Wiggins will always be a hero to me:notworthy:
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If you're setting the effort to 110% you probably need to change your ftp value for the sessions. I did an ftp test before these workouts to get a more accurate figure, and I'm having to knock my % down on some of these workouts, rarely upwards! Saying that, za#8 last night was one of the easiest of all the ones so far.

My ftp is set ro 243 for what it's worth
Mine is estimated from my rides post-embolism. GC's first estimate was a mere 211 (down from 278!). The first ZA group ride I treated more like a 60 minute FTP test which put me at 227 and left me totally wiped out. I've always excelled in the shorter efforts, going back to my days as a swimmer. So I wasn't surprised that I was able to bump to 110% during those particular ZA workouts. We'll see where things land as the efforts get longer. I full expect to see an FTP bump once I'm racing and putting out race efforts regularly rather than just short intervals.

The overall plan was to use the first group ride as an FTP proxy and the others as tempo or recovery efforts from the early workouts. As I near completion of the workouts I'll start racing again, fully expecting to be riding at the tail end of the C group with an FTP somewhere north of 230, but likely still well below my spring peak of 278. Really looking forward to a 7 or 8 lap volcano CCW race in a couple weeks.


Does fasted mean not eating for a few hours before a ride? I often do that too. I thought it meant several hours, even a night, without food.
It does- 6-7 hours without food so body moves into a fasted state.
Strangely, all I have had since is chocolate milk and I don’t feel hungry

Wiggins will always be a hero to me:notworthy:

Fasted state needs a nights sleep, then cycling, running etc. It takes several months to train the body to burn more body fats as fuel instead of being reliant on carbohydrates,. This then allows the stored glycogen stores in the liver and muscles to be released later, at the end of a race/sportive for example.

A triathlete I know had his fat burn rate assessed by a laboratory. They found he had pretty much zero fat burning capabilities. They recommended fasted training. Over the winter he was able to activate his fat burn and now has a decent capacity, so he eats less on rides now

Edit . After a little reading, the most active ingredient in improving your 'metabolic efficiency--ME' is by diet. Reducing high Glycemic carbohydrates, increasing protein and eating more fruit/vegetables and fats vastly improve your ability to burn fats(body can hold 80,000 calories) This stops insulin spikes after eating high carb foods . Training at low intensity for several hours is the other aspect
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