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Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Well that ZA climb race is a bit interesting for us fat lads :wacko:
I stay away from races with climbs. Can't compete against riders who set their weight on swift at 69 kg :thumbsdown:


ZA #3 done. Things were pretty wonky -- I started with the group, but wasn't in workout mode. No indication of how hard I should go, when the intervals started/ended, etc. Reset the apple tv widget, got back online and it seemed to take forever to get past the "finding riders" screen. Just as I was about to throw in the towel, I'm teleported to the group and in workout mode. Missed most of the warmup.

Started at 100% bias, then cranked up to 105 and 110 during the rest periods of the first intervals. The work interval was short and I felt I had plenty of headroom, even at 110%. The second and third sets were slightly more difficult, but well within ability. Kind of looking forward to #4, #5 and #6 where there's periods to set maximal power over a given time. Still playing catch-up, but should be enough time to complete everything.


Yesterday i did couple test ride with my new Elite Drivo 2. Differece to BKool Smart Pro 1 is quite a big. Elite hits harder/faster to gradient change and no tyre slipping issues anymore. I don't no was it excitement or what but my heartrate was higher with Elite or maybe i was just pushing harder.


Bob, PACK + Box Hill afterparty - You didn't miss a lot. When we hit the foot of the hill, it didn't take long before i was all alone in front. I was hoping for some pacing/drafting, but apparently this event didn't attract the big boys.


I don't no was it excitement or what but my heartrate was higher with Elite or maybe i was just pushing harder

It will be the firmer resistance and you trying to hit your previous power figures :okay:


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Bob, PACK + Box Hill afterparty - You didn't miss a lot. When we hit the foot of the hill, it didn't take long before i was all alone in front. I was hoping for some pacing/drafting, but apparently this event didn't attract the big boys.

Sorry Lars, my son tempted me with Avengers Infinity War and I just forgot.
I had spin the legs in preparation earlier in the day too. We both know I would have been trying to keep pace with you:smile::becool:


It will be the firmer resistance and you trying to hit your previous power figures :okay:
That's true, you have a point. Just noticed that i need to do more calibration procedures with Elite's My E-training program. I did power sensor calibration yesterday but just noticed that there is also power smoothing calibration. I do that today to see what it does and how trainer feels after that.


Senior Member
Powys, Mid Wales
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Nearly got 1st, couldn’t hold 500+ all the way. Hr shows I was trying though. :training:

The little climb on the Innsbruck 'flat' course ..... not too shabby, if I say so myself. If only I could shed half my weight I could be challenging @berty bassett :mrpig:

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