Exactly, but there are a number of inconsistencies with the write up that it's not totally clear (
https://zwiftinsider.com/zrs-faq-deep-dive/) - they talk of the seed and not allowing anyone to go below 15% of the seed but they also talk of tweaking the seed in future and possibly allowing the floor to drop lower.
They talk about
future possibility of adjusting all sorts of things later if needed, including the way they calculate the seed score - a very sensible approach and not what I would call an "inconsistency"?
I really don't know what you mean about "allowing the floor to drop lower" though - can you show me the quote you're referring to?
To me, a seed is a starting point. It doesn't change. Simple. But they talk like the 'seed' is actually a moving beast based on possibly 90 days, possible up to a year depending on the data.
It's definitely based on 90 days, that's been made clear previously and confirmed in earlier articles (and nothing in this article contradicts that). So you don't need to say "possibly".
The year thing is something they're talking about applying to those who have no 90 day data - a good idea to help mitigate a lot of the problems you've been complaining about with riders returning with no recent data and therefore being seeded too low.
So it's not really a 'seed' it's the current baseline prediction based on 30 second, 10 minute and weight of the rider.
Don't get caught up on the word "seed" and your personal definition of that word. It's just what they have chosen to call the 90 day baseline
So their model is continuosly tweaking our seed?
Your seed score is based on your best 30s and 10min power in the last 90 days. If you set new best power levels, it goes up as those are now your best numbers in the past 90 days. If your current best power levels become over 90 days old, it adjusts downwards based on whatever is now your best power numbers within the last 90 days. So it's not necessarily (or likely) changing "continuously", but it can and will move. If I do my new best 30s and 10min power in a race tomorrow, and don't improve on them over the next 90 days, my seed score won't change for 90 days until those drop off.
Surely all that's needed once a rider starts to ride with their seed is results based movements?
The previous categories were based on 90 days too. Think about it - if someone starts on a really low score based on that one snapshot in time they choose to use, then do A+ numbers in their first race, it could take ages for them to progress up through the categories - with people complaining about them every race no doubt - when you can easily just put them closer to where they should be straight away based on their new power numbers.
It can also help to mitigate against sandbaggers. Without a 90 day baseline it would cause chaos with people over and under seeded all over the place.
Again, it mitigates exactly the kind of issues you've been complaining about.
And this is where there is still a lot of noise - Zwift are not clear what is going on, Eric (to me) didn't clear anything up, and riders are confused and frustrated.
It can be complicated I'll agree with that, and there's details Zwift are choosing not to tell us - but a lot of your confusion seems to be misplaced or based on not reading the articles properly to be honest. What is it specifically you're not clear on? (There's definitely things I'm not clear on just like everyone, I'm just not sure, other than the 90 day thing which is hoepfully cleared up, what specifically you're confused about)
Maybe they should stop calling it a seed and call it something else, but if it's moving daily based on power numbers then it's not a seed.
It really doesn't matter what word they call it, just what it means. And it means a baseline based on the last 90 days
It's not moving daily unless something really weird's going on like you're increasing your best 30s or 10min power numbers every single day.
Anyway, race time, let's see how far my ZRS can drop today
Sounds fun!