They’ve reset the seed and ignored previous races. Bonkers. So instead of using recent race data to set the seed, for me 338, they’ve just resorted to what it was previously.
They really are ruining the race experience
At 338 I’m getting dropped in minutes and lapped.
It's not really bonkers it's just that previously ZRS was just being tested - most people won't have even done a ZRS race and had their seed score affected by results.
Makes sense to me that if they're now rolling it out to all public races they reset everyone's ZRS to a new baseline now.
As with when the test started that means there will be some anomolies until people start racing and get their scores adjusted accordingly.
I can't think of any way to avoid some temporary disruption when rolling out a new category system like this - just need to give it a bit of time to settle in.
I hope it works well, I'm looking forward to it