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Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
It's quite a good course isn't it? Really finds you out if you aren't 100%, pure pain

It's a course that suits me when I'm fit, a course I hate when I'm not so fit :laugh:
Currently fighting over the climb puts me too far in the red and I can't hold wheels through the rollers :surrender:
On a positive though, I like the new HUD. Just a shame they didn't add the draft % like that sauce thing has. That's all that's missing for me. Was nice seeing my average watts in the race, pushed me on to try to keep it above 200.
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Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
A lot of people don't like New York, but I used to really enjoy the 1-lap LaGuardia sprint races on Sunday nights. Excellent for getting a really short, intense effort in. Sometime I'd ride them flat out and just try for a 5-minute power best, sometimes I'd try to conserve energy as best I could at 350W and try to sprint at the end.

My endurance is pretty dismal at the moment - I lasted 14 minutes in the ZRL TTT on Tuesday - but I rode my club's hillclimb championship last night and my puncheur power seems fairly reasonable. I won, and although there were only six of us braving the terrible weather, my time would have won in 2023 and 2022, so it wasn't a completely hollow victory.

On Sunday, I'd ridden the Watership Down open hillclimb, and recorded 680W for 45s on the lower ramp (and hadn't faded too badly at the top, either!). I placed 21st out of 39. If I can persuade my wife to let me out to ride another open event or two before the closing date, I might be tempted to enter the National Championship in Northumberland at the end of October, to prop up the results table.
View attachment 745038

That's brilliant, well done.

I can spot how you climb better than me (well, apart from the superior power). I'm definitely more chunky :laugh:


Had a good race stage 2 Pinarello. NY perimeter loop.

Filled with mainly master, vets, handful of 50+riders. I lead the group over the first Harlem climb, hanging on for dear life on second lap. Managed to cling on with now small pack of 7 riders, but was at maximum and the subsequent rollers killed me. I eased and jumped onto the second group. I waited for the sprint finish, went early with aero boost.

ZP recorded me 5th from 35 starting. I think first 50+ finisher


Well done. I think I might do the 0910 race tomorrow.


Looking at the 'race score' against the old categories ABCD. Specifically C, it looks like 425-450 is going to be the boundary before promotion.

My recent results are in the top 10 in both events mirror these categories


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Looking at the 'race score' against the old categories ABCD. Specifically C, it looks like 425-450 is going to be the boundary before promotion.

My recent results are in the top 10 in both events mirror these categories

I'm bottom end of C at the moment, with a reducing ZRS currently at 340. So equating the two I'd estimate that the D/C boundary is 300-325 ish


I've just checked and my Zwift Racing Score is 208 ^_^

You're going to have a fun first couple of races then :laugh:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Might just have to limp home on a few then :smile:

I get trounced by quite a few riders who are in the old B cat, but have ZRS scores in the 200s or low 300s There are a considerable number of riders with too high or too low a ZRS still. I hope when they rejig things in October they do a better job.


I get trounced by quite a few riders who are in the old B cat, but have ZRS scores in the 200s or low 300s There are a considerable number of riders with too high or too low a ZRS still. I hope when they rejig things in October they do a better job.

My Park Perimeter race this morning 525-650 had 12 starts.

One fell off at 2.4km after someone put in a short dig and a few of us followed to keep up. Another fell off soon after that and those two paired up.
The remaining 10 stayed together as a group for the rest of the lap and one more fell off on Harlem Hill lap 2 (then quit straight away - pussy :laugh: ).
That left 9 of us and we stayed together until the final sprint, all finishing within 2 seconds of each other. I found it very hard work but managed to hold on (568 - so mid-way in the range).


Zwift shows me as 7th but ZP has me as 5th so 2 must have not been on ZP. expected me to get 3rd, so my vELO went down about 2 points. My ZRS went up about 4 points to 572.

What's my point? Only 2 of 12 fell off quickly. So 10 of 12 had a decent race. The one who quit on Harlem lap 2 was on his second race of the day (same race) having won the first in CE B. That's why I call him a pussy for quitting.

There will be outliers and it IS September - so a lot of people will be coming back having no data in the system. But 10/12 having a good race is good numbers. Maybe it's more susceptible to issues at the bottom end, but where I'm racing ALL the races are like this in ZRS.

Now it might be different when things get hillier. I'm already a bit concerned about that. But that's what testing is for.
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