Really interesting to see that guy has everyone's WBAL figures viewable. I wasn't aware you could do that (only thought you'd see your own). Proves that I did give it everything I had up the Leg Snapper though, my number went down to 0.1 as I crested the top.
There are some limitations with this. Namely there is no central stored database of W' so it gives everyone a default of 20kJ.
It also defaults their CP value to their zFTP from Zwift.
For people you want to follow, you can locally input values manually. There is even a mod that will import the estimated data from
But honestly, I don't think many people are able to focus on that if they're working hard in a race, so I find it of questionable value. Perhaps more use for a DS in a team race to keep an eye on people's HR and W'Bal for timing attacks?
In fact you can't do it on the Friday Smash because I've "tagged it off". Just to test the tags. Putting the tags...
#hidewbal #hideftp
in the event description disables that feature. I'm not a privacy freak though. Just doing it for fun. I have my own W' set to 26kJ and I really only look at it in the videos afterwards. It's not exactly encouraging to smash out an effort if you look at the screen and it shows you your tank is nearly empty
Better to ride by feel.