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berty bassett

Legendary Member
As we all do. It's a shame some of you don't recognise that and would rather snipe constantly instead.

^_^and yet again my views promote a response - I'm good at this public forum stuff aint I
can you remind me of the rules here though please . its ok for you to joke about sandbagging ,but its not ok in any way for me to mention it ? (and this time I didn't even mention it ! ) please don't think for one minute that I don't know that you will do anything in your means to win a race , I am sure you do , but I still think that one of those means may be racing in wrong cat ? could be wrong though as you are putting weight on and concentrating on gym nowadays for the ladies , coming back from injury , asthma
this is a compliment , as I must be thinking you are better than you actually are . please don't take anything I say as a snipe because as I have said before I really really don't care what you do , it doesnt affect me in anyway - maybe if you want to joke or discuss sandbagging more ,you could have a private thread then I won't get confused ?
now I have only answered this because it was a reply to one of my posts , I don't answer or comment on any of the stuff you put on here usually solely because we have different views and I am totally bored of going over and over again about same old stuff - I don't even race on Zwift much now !- please feel free to do the same and ignore me
incidently - I don't think I have said anyone else is sandbagging and if I have I apologise to them as I am sure everyone else puts 100% into races - well apart from bob - he could try harder ^_^
hopefully this is the last time I have to explain myself - I doubt it but I hope
I will continue to try and not comment on your posts


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
^_^and yet again my views promote a response
It's a public forum. You posted an opinion that was factually incorrect. If you don't think you'll get pulled up on it then maybe public forums are not for you mate.

can you remind me of the rules here though please .
No rules, but if you constantly snipe at someone then expect to get a response

please don't think for one minute that I don't know that you will do anything in your means to win a race , I am sure you do , but I still think that one of those means may be racing in wrong cat ?
So you are saying that I race in the wrong cat and I'm cheating/sandbagging? But somehow Tommy, when he was cruising around B races even though was capable of pushing A numbers was OK? Thank you for clarifying that for everyone.

could be wrong though
Yes you are. I race 100% every single race, unless you think hitting over 190 HR is cruising along? Could I train harder, could I ride 4 or 5 times a week to get fitter, could I lose some weight? Of course I could, and then I'm sure I could get into B. But that does make me a B rider ... that makes me someone who has a life outside of riding who trains enough to get a decent work out each Tuesday but is not obsessed by getting better.

this is a compliment , as I must be thinking you are better than you actually are
No it's not. You're calling me a sandbag/cheat. You and Tommy can try to spin it, but this is what you're saying

maybe if you want to joke or discuss sandbagging more ,you could have a private thread then I won't get confused ?
Ah, so I have to go private even though I've not called anyone a cheat, and I have to sit here and let you and Tommy do it in public? For the record, there are private chats on what is being said, neither of you are coming across in a positive light. So maybe it's you guys that might want to keep your accusations of cheating private eh?

please feel free to do the same and ignore me
I do normally, but defending Tommy when he was sandbagging in B, but accusing me of the same in C when the facts are clear to see will get a response. I ignore everything else that you say as it has no relevance to me. Again thank you for clarifying that you are calling me a cheat, just so that I know where I stand.

hopefully this is the last time I have to explain myself - I doubt it but I hope
All you've explained is that you think I'm sandbagging and no one else is. I knew this already. I'm calling you out for that.

I will continue to try and not comment on your posts
And I will continue to ignore yours, so long as you keep your incorrect opinions about my riding to yourself. It really is that simple Lee.


Legendary Member
The name Burton comes to mind. Rode an entire season of ZRL and then the first race outside of that went over cat limits, despite stopping for a minute to kill a spider ;):laugh:

@<Tommy> is the WORST sandbagger I have ever known to be honest. You're talking about the man who a couple of ZRL seasons ago just needed to go up a hill within cat limits for the final race, get a half decent finish and we'd win the league.....he went as hard as he could and did 4.5w/kg, got DQ'd and we ended up second! I'm still annoyed with him about that :rolleyes:

Peter Salt

Yorkshire, UK
@<Tommy> is the WORST sandbagger I have ever known to be honest. You're talking about the man who a couple of ZRL seasons ago just needed to go up a hill within cat limits for the final race, get a half decent finish and we'd win the league.....he went as hard as he could and did 4.5w/kg, got DQ'd and we ended up second! I'm still annoyed with him about that :rolleyes:
What a piece of %*$£ indeed. Worse than Judean People's Front. And a feckin Southerner to add insult to injury.

And @Whorty - you're just a bit better - a narcissistic pervert, like all sprinters. Gets injured doing everything BUT cycling. Absolutely hate your guts and I curse the day I met you in real life.
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Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
@<Tommy> is the WORST sandbagger I have ever known to be honest. You're talking about the man who a couple of ZRL seasons ago just needed to go up a hill within cat limits for the final race, get a half decent finish and we'd win the league.....he went as hard as he could and did 4.5w/kg, got DQ'd and we ended up second! I'm still annoyed with him about that :rolleyes:


Carl you’re in complete denial if you think I’ve ever gone easy in a race to stay in the catergory. Hence why I’m constantly bouncing between the categories. I am the polar opposite of you Carl. Hence why we constantly disagree. The people around you in a private group agree with you. Well I for one am shocked! :laugh:

It’s obvious to everyone the way you race. Carry on… don’t carry on… your choice. My choice to comment on it. Free world 👍

Lee makes a comment about me always going all out in races and you take it as a snipe against you? Just get a grip…


Can I just say: You're all sandbaggers, scumbags, terrorists and communists. I do hope that covers enough for everyone to be offended.

Are we doing Im Spartacus or Wolverine ? ^_^
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