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Berty 292W 4.5W/kg Absolutely awesome :okay:

Peter Salt

Yorkshire, UK
Kudos to anyone racing competitively on a NEO of any kind. Disadvantaged on short bursts and 15s power and just harder:
I generally don't take 'reviews' with affiliate links in them seriously.

It is a good trainer but there's no mention of what was the sample size for the readings. Maybe he did 5 sprints and took the numbers that looked most favourable for whoever paid most, etc.

Not saying that definitely is the case. Just saying that having those links in there makes me immediately suspicious so I would look for a review elsewhere.


Kudos to anyone racing competitively on a NEO of any kind. Disadvantaged on short bursts and 15s power and just harder:

A few parts made me giggle...

Being Tacx’s most advanced trainer, you will expect it will have a few extra features which its lesser models don’t have that impact your experience. The three to note are:“Road feel” Rocking motion Effort lights
Most people switch off road feel, pretty sure my Direto rocks a bit and effort lights would be a candidate for switching off too. So no advantage then? :laugh: That having been said, people do like them.

He makes a thing of the "foldiness". Do people actually put these things away between uses? If I had to set mine up every time I'd never use it. Surely you need a dedicated space to use a turbo?


I generally don't take 'reviews' with affiliate links in them seriously.

It is a good trainer but there's no mention of what was the sample size for the readings. Maybe he did 5 sprints and took the numbers that looked most favourable for whoever paid most, etc.

Not saying that definitely is the case. Just saying that having those links in there makes me immediately suspicious so I would look for a review elsewhere.

I thought it was very "opiniony" rather than scientific too Peter.


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
I thought it was very "opiniony" rather than scientific too Peter.

To be fair there is loads of data that shows the neo under reads vs all of the other sort of ‘leading’ power maters / turbos.

I always thought that Garmins were kind of the other end of the scale. They historically have a tendency to over read and also one of the least consistent in their readings so a bit of a double whammy.

Neo’s definitely seem to have a bit of a cult following amongst their user too don’t they! It almost seems like a bit of a badge of honour that they under read power, so maybe that can get a bit tiring to listen to for people on other turbos.

But yeah, the data doesn’t lie really I don’t think. There’s just so many different sources of it saying the same thing. I have a set of speedplay power peddles I really should stick on the neo bike for a bit of a comparison. Can just never be arsed when it comes to it…


To be fair there is loads of data that shows the neo under reads vs all of the other sort of ‘leading’ power maters / turbos.

I always thought that Garmins were kind of the other end of the scale. They historically have a tendency to over read and also one of the least consistent in their readings so a bit of a double whammy.

Neo’s definitely seem to have a bit of a cult following amongst their user too don’t they! It almost seems like a bit of a badge of honour that they under read power, so maybe that can get a bit tiring to listen to for people on other turbos.

But yeah, the data doesn’t lie really I don’t think. There’s just so many different sources of it saying the same thing. I have a set of speedplay power peddles I really should stick on the neo bike for a bit of a comparison. Can just never be arsed when it comes to it…

That's the thing. Good data takes a lot of time and effort to generate. I don't have a Neo, but they do look nice and people seem to like them.
I'm knocking the author, not the product. At the end of the day though, is anyone actually going to buy a new trainer to make it easier to win races? I think we'd need a new name for that :laugh:

I've certainly noticed a significant difference between indoor and outdoor top-end power. But that's a known thing. Comparing sheep and goats, really.

Peter Salt

Yorkshire, UK
To be fair there is loads of data that shows the neo under reads vs all of the other sort of ‘leading’ power maters / turbos.

I always thought that Garmins were kind of the other end of the scale. They historically have a tendency to over read and also one of the least consistent in their readings so a bit of a double whammy.

Neo’s definitely seem to have a bit of a cult following amongst their user too don’t they! It almost seems like a bit of a badge of honour that they under read power, so maybe that can get a bit tiring to listen to for people on other turbos.

But yeah, the data doesn’t lie really I don’t think. There’s just so many different sources of it saying the same thing. I have a set of speedplay power peddles I really should stick on the neo bike for a bit of a comparison. Can just never be arsed when it comes to it…
I think you're right. But there are definitely better reviews out there, with more detailed data, that can show you that. The issue is with the article and not the Neo, if you catch my dig.

I personally like the ones by GPLama. Shows you the entire protocol, differences between when the equipment is watmed-up and not, etc.


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
At the end of the day though, is anyone actually going to buy a new trainer to make it easier to win races? I think we'd need a new name for that :laugh:

Yeah they sort of do!

Obviously it’s like everything in life in that there’s people who take the same thing a lot more serious than others. The guys who are near the top of the ranking probably aren’t there through luck. Beyond there natural ability. They’re putting in loads of training and also taking care of the marginal gains. When you look at their profiles. They’re either using neo but with a different power source. Or using a different turbo altogether.

That’s obv at the extreme end of competition from us. But even at our level. I can understand that if someone is looking at two turbos that are relatively equal in quality and build. But one gives you 2% extra watts. They might pick the more generous one.

Peter Salt

Yorkshire, UK
At the end of the day though, is anyone actually going to buy a new trainer to make it easier to win races? I think we'd need a new name for that :laugh:


Big Dosser
Thanks guys!

Sorry not trying to leave you on a cliff hanger just crappy phone service here… I think I’m ok. Waiting on ECG and other tests I think.

Seriously considering changing my name though. I’m waiting to be seen in A&E and they’ve just called out for a “princess Anderson!” What a name! Think with my republican blood running through my veins a royal title might be a bit much. But I’d be pretty chuffed on my next visit to A&E if they were forced to call out “Jedi knight Burton” once it was my turn to be seen 😄.

I’m fine though I think. I got some pretty bad back pain and some vomiting and dizziness. Wasn’t even lifting something Pete. Perish the thought!

They’re going to tell me I’m working too hard / not sleeping enough I think. The missus will say the same. Hopefully that’s my chance to mention the cycling holiday I’d like to take next June. Every cloud eh…

Get well soon Tommy lad 👍
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