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Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
That sounds good, @Whorty - well done 🙂

I did a 90 minute group ride at an average of 2.7W/KG whilst watching some TV. It was nice to turn the legs over and roll round without feeling like it was anything too hard going.

I became a dad again on Tuesday, so I’ve got a couple of weeks away from work to get to grips with all that brings. That’s one reason why I didn’t want to race or do anything too tough today - two nights in and I haven’t adjusted to no sleep yet 😂

Hoping to continue with the IRL races on Monday evenings but might have to skip occasionally 🙂
Congratulations Nic. 2nd time around? Did you not learn the first time?!


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Did a Crit race today, in B cat, and didn't come last :wahhey: I actually lasted 12 minutes with the lead group before my legs gave up on me so quite chuffed with that. I think it was lap 5 when I popped; the guy who was dropped prior to me finally caught up with me on the final lap (12), only to be out sprinted by me :laugh: I think he may have expended quite a bit of energy getting to me and had little left in the tank ... either that or I really am the sprinting god I see in my head :biggrin:

Upshot is, I wasn't last in a B race.

Chapeau @Whorty ....
Since my upgrade I've got used to finishing last in Cat. B races... 🤣


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Don’t know how you guys race in this heat!

I had a coldish shower beforehand, a wet towel to wipe my head/ sweat away during the ride and 2 fans on full.
Pleased with 3.7w/k average for the ride given conditions.
Thank god the ride wasn’t tomorrow!


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
Not actually that hot here Tommy - nowhere near as hot as London today

Oh really? Bloody stuffy down here! We have a portable air con unit that I took into the pain cave earlier which made it ok ish to be honest. But the family are back from their travels over the weekend so my turbo’ing will return to its normal place in the pecking order of priorities.

I had a coldish shower beforehand, a wet towel to wipe my head/ sweat away during the ride and 2 fans on full.
Pleased with 3.7w/k average for the ride given conditions.
Thank god the ride wasn’t tomorrow!

Isn’t that the truth! Can’t believe it’s actually going to get that hot!

Well done on the ride mate👍

I thought lee’s idea of the wet towel on the back of the neck to cool down sounded like a brilliant one but I must admit I’ve still not tried it...


My latest ZwiftPower profile shows this:
View attachment 540132
Well that didn't last long... looks like I have been promoted after all!

So today's race was 3 laps of Champs-Élysées - which for the record I did win (finished 7th, but everyone ahead of me was upgraded or DQ'd) basically by starting my sprint finish early and gapping the only other Ds in my group before they had a chance to sit on my wheel and out sprint me.

In the initial results my 20 minute power was displayed as 251 watts (95% being 238.45), but when I checked just now it had been updated to 252W. At that point, I refreshed my profile and it now said "D (nearly C)", so I started getting all geeky with the maths (as I tend to do) and tried to figure out exactly how close I was.

I calculated that my three race average should now be 2.50017452 w/kg. Yes, I was over by 0.00017452. Multiply that by my weight and that works out to one sixtieth (1/60) of a watt. And sure enough, the next time I refreshed the page, there was a big blue circle with a C in it looming out at me. So it looks like some of you will have a new companion to finish ahead of, at least for the next 90 days!
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Del C

That sounds good, @Whorty - well done 🙂

I did a 90 minute group ride at an average of 2.7W/KG whilst watching some TV. It was nice to turn the legs over and roll round without feeling like it was anything too hard going.

I became a dad again on Tuesday, so I’ve got a couple of weeks away from work to get to grips with all that brings. That’s one reason why I didn’t want to race or do anything too tough today - two nights in and I haven’t adjusted to no sleep yet 😂

Hoping to continue with the IRL races on Monday evenings but might have to skip occasionally 🙂
Congratulations Nick

Del C

Talking of childbirth, I'd forgotten how much those TTT's hurt :B)
I was wondering how you and @bobinski got on tonight

We had a different team line up tonight. Normal captain out. 6 riders on the start line. One of them an A rider from WTRL Volendam who are a regular top 10 Espresso team and 2 new guys who are strong Bs. Then me, stand-in captain and our 12 year old lad as the regulars.

Stand in captain's power supply went pop in the first km. Then we lost the 12 year old boy in the sticky draft of a team we overtook. He always coasts along at the back but this time because the pace was so high he got caught out.

That left 4 of us and me thinking 'Oh f**k. There goes my heroic effort and sacrifice myself near the viaduct option. I've now got to hang on all the way to the end!'

I did it! It needed the guys to just pace me over the 5% grade on the viaducts then it was full bore for home. Like @bridgy said those rollers on the last few kms were absolute killers, but we got in at a time of 35.13 and currently we're 52nd out of 122 in Frappe class.

Equalled my highest ever average power at 3.6w/kg and 20 minute power at 3.7w/kg. Average power on Strava of 258w. I think I worked pretty hard tonight!
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