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Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
So can you block people šŸ˜


Raises lots of questions doesnā€™t it!

Like what happens to the pack dynamic? If your sat in the middle of the pack does it make it harder to move forward and slip back? In a pack that has a combination of people steering and people not steering manually does that mean some people go though each other and some donā€™t?

Canā€™t wait to try it out but it could be a while for me and you mate...

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve been this excited about a computer game release since they bought out street fighter II, turbo edition!


All we need is some clever softy engineer to write a program to follow a rider in front who is faster and swerve to shake off a wheel hogger. then no need for levers or steerer plates :biggrin:

Crazy thought :crazy: Who are the softy programmers on here?


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I can see the fundamental benefit of steering in a race, IF they sort out drafting. To be able to align yourself behind someone or swerve away to stop someone hogging your wheel could prove invaluable and entertaining :biggrin:
I'm quite excited by the steering - will wait a bit to see/read real life reviews but I can see myself getting this if the reviews are positive :okay:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Just wait for the new feature, where you can scatter some virtual tacks on the road behind you to get rid of those annoying bastards who keep sucking your wheel!

Now thatā€™s a game changer!
That would be me buggered then ha ha


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)

If you didnā€™t seeMichaels post

Not yet ... I was working through the posts ^_^


Legendary Member
It is indeed a good read. Quite like some of those features ..... looking forward to getting the Anvil power up :laugh:

Steering will be an interesting one. Probably get to the point where it will be more beneficial/advantageous to steer so can see most serious racers getting the kit.
I guess it depends how many events choose to use the steering feature - if you want to be competitive in a race where steering is switched on you probably will need to invest in the steering block I guess. I presume there will only he a handful of races using it to sart off though


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I guess it depends how many events choose to use the steering feature - if you want to be competitive in a race where steering is switched on you probably will need to invest in the steering block I guess. I presume there will only he a handful of races using it to sart off though
Just had a view of the video and it looks really cool. Might even be a game changer for the the dreaded 'sticky' draft. Rach said she'll buy me one so had a search on line and can't see one even for sale yet in the UK .... hopefully Wiggle will get them in stock soon.

Not often I get excited by cycling tech, but this is one that definitely has peeked my interest!


Legendary Member
Just had a view of the video and it looks really cool. Might even be a game changer for the the dreaded 'sticky' draft. Rach said she'll buy me one so had a search on line and can't see one even for sale yet in the UK .... hopefully Wiggle will get them in stock soon.

Not often I get excited by cycling tech, but this is one that definitely has peeked my interest!
You can be our guinea pig then Carl ^_^. Give it a go and let us know how you get on with it - I'm interested but won't be spending Ā£75 on a steering block until I hear some feedback and see if it does actually take off for use in races etc. I can see it going either way - if people love it, lots of races will include the feature and it'll really take off, but if it's less well received by racers for any reason it might remain just a bit of a gimmick to use when riding solo and in only a few select events
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