So flat out from start of the meet up, to the end of the route banner. Or the line at the end of the meet up?
Times as follows for the teams:
D @ 19:00
C @ 19:03
B @ 19:06
A @ 19:09
So, D goes as Meet Up starts at 19:00, then C await on line for 3 minutes at 19:03, etc. Remember teams C, B and A to stop pedalling at least 20 seconds before the Meet Up start time, otherwise you'll risk starting to move before your start time.
If you want to keep spinning go to the pairing screen (press A for laptop or menu and pair for ATV users) then you can spin but your avatar will not move. Stop pedalling 20 seconds before you exit the pairing screen to make sure you don't move when you return to the line.
I've checked the segment for timing against one of
@bridgy 's Meet Up races last December. It starts at the start/finish arch across the road and should be about 0.5 mile after the Meet Up spawn point. The segment ends at the start/finish arch as well and that was about 0.1 mile before the Meet Up end banner last time. Remember it's this segment:
The 0.5 mile lead-in does create a bit of conflict between using the segment for timing and the rules we agreed which is to take the time of the 3rd fastest rider across the line. Normally, we used to say roll to the start line and then race, but you really want to be in TTT formation when you cross the start line so I'd recommend to go hard from the start but use the first 0.5 mile to make sure you're grouped up and haven't dropped anyone and then we start timing from the arch. Similarly, I'd ride hard to the end of Meet Up banner to make sure you get the best finishing time, rather than easing off at the arch. They're not far apart so that shouldn't be too tough an ask.
Hopefully, the finishing order will be clear on screen and we won't end up having to trawl through Strava times to act as a final arbiter of who finished where, but that's the Meet Up limitation we've always had to work around.
Make sure you join the correct Discord group otherwise you'll be riding in the completely wrong race with completely inappropriate tactics. And enjoy!