Thanks Bob. I was aware of most of those but there were one or two useful tips I didn't know about.@bridgy
GPlama has a new video on setting up group meet ups
One thing I did read today about meetups which I haven't tried is using it as a bit of a hack to enable you to ride a different route once you have finished riding where you are, without having to close down zwift and re-start it (which as we all know is a pain - less so for ATV users though I think). Anyway, the tip was, when you've nearly finished riding the route you're on, set up a meetup on the companion app on a different route to start in 10 minutes or so time. You'll have to invite at least 1 other rider but it doesn't matter if they turn up or not. Then, keep riding, and you should get the invite to join the new meetup pop up - accept that and you'll be transported to the new route you want to ride without having to switch off and re-start.
As I say, I haven't actually tried the above but thought I'd mention in case useful for anyone - I guess it could be useful if you're trying to get the badges for all the different routes