Zwift Chat

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Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Lee, that's tricky and you would have to find a way to incorporate one or more of the rides into your irl rides and that is dependent on weather, clear safe road etc. Impossible for me in London roads. A couple of years a go I tried to incorporate TR rides into stints in Battersea park but it was too difficult due to dog walkers etc.
I suppose it depends on the plan you choose and then identifying the rides you can do outside from the plan or spreading it out to incorporate the rides into the plan- so a 6 wk plan over 8 wks?


Lee I wouldn't worry, you're plenty strong enough, fast enough:angry: with enough endurance to run most of us into the ground. Just do what you enjoy. Its the rest of us who are chasing your abilities:okay:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Lee, that's tricky and you would have to find a way to incorporate one or more of the rides into your irl rides and that is dependent on weather, clear safe road etc. Impossible for me in London roads. A couple of years a go I tried to incorporate TR rides into stints in Battersea park but it was too difficult due to dog walkers etc.
I suppose it depends on the plan you choose and then identifying the rides you can do outside from the plan or spreading it out to incorporate the rides into the plan- so a 6 wk plan over 8 wks?
It was the damn squirrels that caused me problems in battersea park! Bloody things running out in front of me and nearly throwing me off! :banghead:


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
That's what I struggle to see
If you sign up to a structured plan then other rides can't help the structure !
I like the idea of doing hard ride burning legs and high hr but if you had done a long ride cos the sun was shining the day before it scuppers the results - so does that mean you have to concentrate solely on the turbo for the duration ? I like the turbo but I am itching to get outside soon as the bloody rain stops
I have always gone fairly hard uphill and calmed down on the downhill ( until iow ) what is a sort of interval training I suppose but I do think I would struggle to do 6 weeks indoor

I think the way to look at it is to set out a block of training days and decide what you're going to do on each of those days. I'd suggest doing interval work on the trainer. Just because it's much easier to control the variables, so its easier to mark progress. If you're training plan incorporates endurance rides and or recovery rides then you can do these indoors or outside, depending on the weather you can choose on the day. What I wouldn't do personally is change the plan itself depending on the weather. I.e. Do an outside endurance ride on interval day because the suns out. Also don't change a recovery ride into a HIIT session because you see a Squirel and decide to chase it!
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last year I used TR to supplement my outdoor Saturday rides, it did mean I missed out on Sunday 'breakfast' rides on occasion. The way I figure it is that the structured rides will do me well regardless of the outdoor rides, yes I may have days on the turbo were I really struggle to hold the power and the HR may go up, but I don't want to miss out on club rides, riding in the wind and cold over winter is actually quite nice. I've tried a couple of Zwift workouts but no yet found the right plan for me. The academy ones look good, but I've got to get the motivation to sit in the garage for 90 minutes. I tried a strength builder on the beginners FTP builder and it was rubbish, the recovery slots were too long. I'll search for another week or so for a good workout plan on Zwift, but I think I might end back on TR except for a race to two.


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
This site is quite handy especially for custom workouts.
People who know a lot about training regimes tend to recommend TR over Zwift. Some are suggesting Zwift being careful not to tread too heavily in TR direction.
Oh yes! Those bloody lengthy cool downs :angry:


This site is quite handy especially for custom workouts.
People who know a lot about training regimes tend to recommend TR over Zwift. Some are suggesting Zwift being careful not to tread too heavily in TR direction.
Oh yes! Those bloody lengthy cool downs :angry:

The GCN ones look interesting, not structured for day 1,2 etc, probably more a jump in a try not to keel over.


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London

This book's really good. It's a bit of a bible with regards using power meters from what I understand. I haven't read it all the way through but what it aims to do amongst other things is help you to understand how to get the best out of PM's and also create training programs specific to your requirements.

It's a little heavy going / techy because it's so detailed but its 7 years old now and still highly thought of, so that says quite a lot.


This doesn’t look like much fun!

7. Extended Over Unders

15min from 123 to 230W
3min @ 129W
3x 30sec @ 100rpm, 311W,
rest 2min 30sec @ 100rpm, 123W
5min @ 129W
3min @ 243W
3min @ 276W
3min @ 243W
2min @ 305W
3min @ 243W
2min @ 305W
10min @ 125W
3min @ 243W
3min @ 276W
3min @ 243W
2min @ 305W
3min @ 243W
2min @ 305W
15min from 158 to 123W
Workout overview
Duration: 1h 29m
Stress points:95
Zone distribution
Z1: 41mZ2: 9mZ3: 5mZ4: 19mZ5: 6mZ6: 10m
This is a very tough session, make sure you are fresh and suitably motivated before attempting this session. Try your best to complete the intervals, it is however, designed to take you to your VO2max (limit of your aerobic capacity) and may be tricky to complete. A good warm up is required, I would also recommend a gel and a strong coffee before-hand. The main interval, repeated twice, starts with 3 minutes at powers just below your FTP ("pushing"), this is the easiest part of the interval, do not go out too hard here, otherwise you will pay the price later on! After 3 minutes lift to powers just above your FTP ("pulling"), then back to pushing. Then the intensity increases to your maximal aerobic power (MAP) for 2 minutes, then back to pushing for 3 minutes; try and get your breath here and prepare for the final 2 minutes!
Ohh yes, that one is really fun. Couldn't stop laughing while trying to rest at 97% of FPT after an extended "over" period :whistle:.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
had a go at the flat race this morning - upped my weight a little
entered the c cat and must admit i was trying to hide behind people all the way round
got dropped at the end as i wasnt expecting them to go quite so far from the line ( over a mile out ) so i lost the group i was with and had to try on my own for a mile
get over the line and i got bumped from c to b even though i came nowhere again
so should i just put my weight back down , go for a hilly one and join b group ?
i will get my butt kicked but it should be a workout !!


How much did you up your weight Lee? You averaged 216W. If you up your weight to 70-72kg that will bring you into cat C. The issue will be outright power on the flat, 250W isn't going to cut it against 300W.

Lee, you're a born climber, lightweight in natural build. Go in a hilly race cat B

Just checked Zwift You were only 15secs of a B category podium. Just try B cat races
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Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
How much did you up your weight Lee? You averaged 216W. If you up your weight to 70-72kg that will bring you into cat C. The issue will be outright power on the flat, 250W isn't going to cut it against 300W.

Lee, you're a born climber, lightweight in natural build. Go in a hilly race cat B

Just checked Zwift You were only 15secs of a B category podium. Just try B cat races
@berty bassett , I did quite well on a Cat C ride Tuesday, so given that, you must be a Cat B at least. You're far too strong for Cat C.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
well wheres my medals ????
think i will just go b and try hard - hopefully it will be the same as all these training regimes you are all entering - if i just do one or 2 a week when feeling fresh it shouldnt burn me out hopefully
and if you all are in the mix then all the better
i know most of you are doing a set thing at the minute but it would be nice to get together sometime
what are the best to enter ?
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