Okay here’s an idea that hopefully I can explain...
We join/gate crash an organised race at a time roughly around the usual meet up time.
Probably all have to sign up to the same category so we are in the same start pen.
instead of us all setting off with the race we sit tight in the pen (on pairing screen if you want to warm up)
As the race starts We all start our timers counting down to our go go go time.
To ensure no unfair draft advantage the first rider has to wait a set amount of time before he can set off - all riders times are adjusted in advance to account for this.
I see this has a few big advantages...
The start and finish points are well defined in the game. Balls to the wall to the line and not worrying about segments etc.
We would only see riders in the race, so we should actually see time gaps between just us and not the mass of other riders in the game world.
Importantly Race results in Zwift Power.
Disadvantage is if we select say cat D then some of us will get slated for being sandbaggers for entering a lower cat race than we are...Unless we all join A.
We would need to select a race on a course that has a long enough lap distance so no rider gets swallowed up by a peloton and unfair race draft.
Handicaps would have to be estimated based on some sort of formula as it’s unlikely to get a race course that we know peoples previous times. I’m sure this wouldn’t be too complicated and after all it’s a bit of “fun”.
I do a team time trial most weeks and the way it is run is very similar. In this case teams go at one minute intervals. Teams manually note their start time and go. The team I’m in use discord but as Tommy says it doesn’t work for everyone.
The TTT organiser - WTRL - works out the final results presumably from the Zwiftpower data and puts them up on a website. Not to dissimilar to what
@bridgy did above.
sorry for the long post but I think this method would be really good especially as we should all see each other in game rather than a cluttered map.