Zwift Chat

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Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Are we all doing it at the same time or just anytime that suits each person? or doesn't it matter?
We generally post up on here when we're planning to ride to see if others want to join the same race. In ZwiftPower, join the 'CycleChat' team and you can see there too what races we've joined. :okay: There is a Cyclechat group in Strava too that could be worth joining, as we tend to use this to look at race segment times. I think @kipster (Paul) is the admin of the Strava group


Yeah two things can cause that - one is time made up in the sections at the start and end not covered by the Strava segment, and the other is if someone doesn't quite start at the exact time they're scheduled to go. There are ways around it (I have a few ideas!) but they all mean added complexity which I think will mean more to go wrong (let's face it some people can't even work a stopwatch properly :whistle:)

As it happens I did take a note of my meetup time - took a photo on my phone of the screen at the end showing the time. If everyone did this it would be good, but I suspect a good number would forget to do it or something! My stime for the meetup was 37:42 vs 33:39 for the Strava segment - most of this is the fact there's a nearly 2km lead in from our spawn point to the banner on this course. This varies from course to course obviously, but yeah there's quite a bit of "lost" time there.

It's far from perfect but we're working with a system not designed for what we want to do so there's always a balance to be struck between keeping things a simple as possible at the expense of accuracy and making it more complex but confusing people as a result. I'm sure we'll keep tweaking and improving things though
Everybody seemed to enjoy the Hare & hounds races would it be worth considering joining an official Hare & Hounds event on Zwift and just enter via your category group.
The times would be on Zwift power and activities on companion and if you wanted you could be more specific by fine tuning the times individually after the event with a table or am I stating the bloody obvious.:wacko:


To add to this @Joffey , when I first joined this motley crew I was always last. Way, way back. And for handicaps, this meant I'd be off first whilst everyone else was still down the pub. Over the last few years though I've improved loads. I'm not going to be at the front with the speedsters, but I can at least compete now mid table and we have some great battles there. Real good 'fun' and a great way to get fit :okay:
You forgot to mention you were last until you started to pump up your tyres and started taking steroids.:laugh::tongue:


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
For me, as a slower rider, the real positive of the handicap races was that I'd see other riders at some stage during the ride so I never felt alone (if you know what I mean). Whereas, with a normal race, once the flag dropped the next time I saw anyone else was when you'd stopped at the side of the road with your bad knee :giggle: .

Bad knee? I think you are confusing me with someone else...



Big Dosser
We generally post up on here when we're planning to ride to see if others want to join the same race. In ZwiftPower, join the 'CycleChat' team and you can see there too what races we've joined. :okay: There is a Cyclechat group in Strava too that could be worth joining, as we tend to use this to look at race segment times. I think @kipster (Paul) is the admin of the Strava group

Presume it's the Turbo Club? I have requested to be a member. Joined the Zwift Power thing too.


I've just applied as well - more than anything just to see how uncompetitive my times are on some of these stages compared to the rest of you!
Both done


When its a handicap event, I'd suggest that we go balls out from start to finish. First one over the line obviously wins.

The handicap starting times can be calculated from the official segment which covers the majority of the event.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
When its a handicap event, I'd suggest that we go balls out from start to finish. First one over the line obviously wins.

The handicap starting times can be calculated from the official segment which covers the majority of the event.
Only change I'd suggest, is instead of each of us keeping our own start times we instead take our start from the rider in front of us .... let me explain ....

Last night I was due to go at 18:33 Del was 18:30. Brendan 18:48, Bob 19:51

What actually happened though I didn't see Del go as I was still in the pairing screen as my stop-watch was still before 18:00 minutes. When I came out the pairing screen just before 18:00, Brendan had already started. By the time I got off, Bob was on my tail and over taking me within the first 1/2 km.

I'm pretty sure I started my clock late as I missed the count down to Joffey going off so unless we're all spot on with our stop-watches we're going to get this wrong.

What I was thinking then, is we note the person before us, and go x seconds after that person goes. So, for me last night, I would have just been watching Del and gone 3 seconds after he went. The Brendan goes 15 seconds after me. Then Bob 63 seconds after Brenda etc etc. Then we all at least leave in the right order.

What I didn't notice last night, as I was in a bit of a rush when I came out the pairing screen, was what the on-screen ride time was. When we go into the pairing screen does the full time continue to run through from when the meetup started, or does the clock paused when in the pairing screen? If the clock does continue to count through then actually we all shouldn't need a stopwatch as the 'leave' time will be visible once we leave the pairing screen. Did anyone notice this last night?

Not that this made that much difference last night as we all, mostly, finished about the same time but the tighter/more controlled we can get these starts the better the handicaps will become.

Any thoughts?


It does rely on good time keeping
You've all missed my point about time keeping and that is we join an official organised hare & hounds event and the timing is already organised for you in your allocated category pens.
As previously mentioned if you want to fine tune the timings individually then it can be worked out easily by the times recorded on Zwift powe or Zwift companion activities.
They are organised most days but there are a lot of riders and it may be difficult to see each other with such a large field.

Del C

Only change I'd suggest, is instead of each of us keeping our own start times we instead take our start from the rider in front of us .... let me explain ....

Last night I was due to go at 18:33 Del was 18:30. Brendan 18:48, Bob 19:51

What actually happened though I didn't see Del go as I was still in the pairing screen as my stop-watch was still before 18:00 minutes. When I came out the pairing screen just before 18:00, Brendan had already started. By the time I got off, Bob was on my tail and over taking me within the first 1/2 km.

I'm pretty sure I started my clock late as I missed the count down to Joffey going off so unless we're all spot on with our stop-watches we're going to get this wrong.

What I was thinking then, is we note the person before us, and go x seconds after that person goes. So, for me last night, I would have just been watching Del and gone 3 seconds after he went. The Brendan goes 15 seconds after me. Then Bob 63 seconds after Brenda etc etc. Then we all at least leave in the right order.

What I didn't notice last night, as I was in a bit of a rush when I came out the pairing screen, was what the on-screen ride time was. When we go into the pairing screen does the full time continue to run through from when the meetup started, or does the clock paused when in the pairing screen? If the clock does continue to count through then actually we all shouldn't need a stopwatch as the 'leave' time will be visible once we leave the pairing screen. Did anyone notice this last night?

Not that this made that much difference last night as we all, mostly, finished about the same time but the tighter/more controlled we can get these starts the better the handicaps will become.

Any thoughts?
Firstly, the clock doesn't start until you begin riding, so the timing is personal to you and not for the meet-up as a whole. We saw this on the first run on Tuesday. So, that rules out the option of not using a stopwatch.

On your other suggestion, I can see the attraction and if everything runs correctly it would work. The problems I can see are what happens if somebody doesn't make the start line.

This could happen because a rider is just running late and misses the ride or because some idiot (like me last night) forgets to accept @bridgy's invite and only realises at the last minute, and in doing so gets his start time a little screwed up. Of course, some other idiot might get his timings completely wrong and hang around in the pairing screen for too long, but let's not dwell on that either! :laugh:

So, for those 2 reasons I think we've got to fail safe and each run our own stopwatch from the time the first rider goes. Maybe not perfect, but I think its the system least likely to fail with Zwift as it currently is.
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