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Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
That's the one - told you it was a good ride!

No HR data for you though unfortunately mate so it doesn't count. Shame :whistle:

So I get 3 likes for a post showing I came 3rd out of 4,000 riders. But 7 of you (and counting) like this post?! I’d like to pretend I’m pissed off but it made me laugh too much ^_^

Tossers the lot of you :reading:


Legendary Member
Last night's results for you. Firstly, actual times - well done @Tommy with a really strong ride:


Secondly, times with handicaps applied - a win for @Joffey - well done mate! (But a obviously a huge improvement from Tuesday so a slight tweaking of your handicap needed for next time :okay:). The podium was completed by @peterob and @Whorty - well done all, take a medal each! 🥇🥈🥉


*N.B times taken from Strava segment so doesn't include sections before and after the start/finish banner on course which were included in the meetup


Legendary Member
Apart from the glitch with Joffey, pretty happy with how the handicaps worked out - not much at all between Pete in second, and last place in the handicapped times. Probably could be tweaked slightly but mostly within the margin of error for people improving or having a bad day anyway
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Del C

Apart from the glitch with Joffey, pretty happy with how the handicaps worked out - not much at all between Pete in second, and last place in the handicapped times. Probably could be tweaked slightly but mostly within the margin of error for people improving or having a bad day anyway
Nice work @bridgy !

Been two enjoyable rides this week.

Definitely worth giving this another go and maybe trying out the other courses suggested?
Nice work @bridgy !

Been two enjoyable rides this week.

Definitely worth giving this another go and maybe trying out the other courses suggested?
I second that. Been excellently organised well done


Big Dosser
Apart from the glitch with Joffey, pretty happy with how the handicaps worked out - not much at all between Pete in second, and last place in the handicapped times. Probably could be tweaked slightly but mostly within the margin of error for people improving or having a bad day anyway

Yes, thanks for sorting the rides @bridgy and thanks to everyone for making me feel welcome. I've loved riding on Zwift this last week - the racing has given me extra motivation to improve.

I know that in most of the events that aren't handicapped I'll be at the bottom so my handicap glitch was quite nice last night! Looking forward to the TdZ.

PS - What do we do with our medals? :becool:


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
Last night's results for you. Firstly, actual times - well done @Tommy with a really strong ride:

View attachment 499943

Secondly, times with handicaps applied - a win for @Joffey - well done mate! (But a obviously a huge improvement from Tuesday so a slight tweaking of your handicap needed for next time :okay:). The podium was completed by @peterob and @Whorty - well done all, take a medal each! 🥇🥈🥉

View attachment 499944

*N.B times taken from Strava segment so doesn't include sections before and after the start/finish banner on course which were included in the meetup

Pistol Pete should get a special mention too💪💪

(take note handicap setters 😄)

Thanks as always for all your efforts bridgy. For what’s it’s worth I overtook Del at the end but the times don’t show it. I guess this is the difference between recording the whole meet up vs a segment. It’s a bit of a conundrum because if we don’t go full pelt from the start of the meet up it could become even more confusing. I wonder if we should try and take a note of our meet up time as they pop up at the end? Just a thought. I know that isn’t fool proof either. P
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Legendary Member
Pistol Pete should get a special mention too💪💪.

Thanks as always for all your efforts bridgy. For what’s it’s worth I overtook Del at the end but the times don’t show it. I guess this is the difference between recording the whole meet up vs a segment. It’s a bit of a conundrum because is we don’t go full pelt from the start of the meet up it could become even more confusing. I wonder if we should try and take a note of our meet up time as they pop up at the end? Just a thought. I know that isn’t fool proof either. P
Yeah two things can cause that - one is time made up in the sections at the start and end not covered by the Strava segment, and the other is if someone doesn't quite start at the exact time they're scheduled to go. There are ways around it (I have a few ideas!) but they all mean added complexity which I think will mean more to go wrong (let's face it some people can't even work a stopwatch properly :whistle:)

As it happens I did take a note of my meetup time - took a photo on my phone of the screen at the end showing the time. If everyone did this it would be good, but I suspect a good number would forget to do it or something! My stime for the meetup was 37:42 vs 33:39 for the Strava segment - most of this is the fact there's a nearly 2km lead in from our spawn point to the banner on this course. This varies from course to course obviously, but yeah there's quite a bit of "lost" time there.

It's far from perfect but we're working with a system not designed for what we want to do so there's always a balance to be struck between keeping things a simple as possible at the expense of accuracy and making it more complex but confusing people as a result. I'm sure we'll keep tweaking and improving things though


Legendary Member
Actually I remember in the old Bkool days handicap races were complicated then as well, and we were bodging that system to some extent as well. One big advantage we had then was that Geoff wasn't racing but was happy to do the admin, and he used to watch the races and record everyone going over the finish line so he had a record of actual finishing times (and positions when it was a close finish) for everyone - this would help with zwift handicap races too, although it will be harder to capture everyone because on Bkool we had closed roads while on Zwift there's loads of other random riders clogging up the rider list!


Pistol Pete should get a special mention too💪💪
Thanks for the mention Tommy :okay:.

Actually I think you are a large reason behind my improved effort yesterday - On your recommendation I gave massage balls a go as my legs and lower back had been feeling very tired and sore after doing SF sessions (and garden work) recently. I used them after the meetup on Tuesday, and despite putting in an intense effort for the race, my legs felt a lot fresher on my commute the next morning. I used them Wednesday night too and felt good yesterday.

Obviously I've only got limited experience using them but, from my early results, I'd recommend them to anyone who wants to boost their recovery.

Cheers bud :thanks:
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