No idea what happened at the start ... I think my diazepam are playing up with my mind! I was due to leave at 18:33, so at 17:45 I came out of the 'pairing' screen and I was waiting for
@Del C to leave then I was going to leave 3 seconds after. What I didn't know was Del had already gone .... this I noticed once Brendan set off. By the time I reacted to that I think
@bobinski had started too, so he shot past me in the first few hundred metres

Thankfully, Bob is a decent fella and let me ride with him for a bit
Despite my stop watch cock up, I think the times were pretty good as I only just beat
@<Tommy> ..... as I was approaching Admiralty Arch Tommy was 11 seconds behind me and closing fast .... I think I just held on.
@peterob passed me as I reached Lambeth Bridge so I assume finished well ahead of me.
I could see Lars, Paul and Lee closing fast too.
Legs a little tired now