Low power output, rusty race craft, firmware updates. I knew my first race was going to be tough having spent several weeks doing long outdoor rides. I spent a frantic final warm up minutes updating the Kickr to new firmware after I decided to do a spin down test, since it's been unused for weeks. After that it said there was a firmware update, so thinking I had plenty of time to update I went for it. That was fine except now it wanted to do a 2 stage spin down test. Reason, is that I have now disabled the strain gauge and use the power reading method that the new Kickr 2 employs. Reading the magnetic forces from the braking system. It completed all these with a minute to spare before the race.
Race was quite low in power but I kept getting dropped due to not paying attention to the pack for a few seconds. Dropped whilst on warm up lap, had to spend a period at 400 W to get back on. Finally got dropped on the last climb whilst staring at the new graphics in the corner. 3,5,10 metres suddenly appeared. I gave up for a moment, but then decided to power in on my own. More training after this weekend to get back my sharpness and peak power