Breakfast was a dogshit sandwich served via email.
The least self-destructive means of escaping my own head seemed to be a ride; which was an easy sell given the nice weather and dearth of distance this week.
I decided to go to Oxford. The initial excuse was to get black pudding, however I knew I'd never make the Butcher's 3pm close so didn't try.
A test-ride for the full commute I'll never do was also a worthy justification, and I chose a slightly more direct route which cut out the bulk of the admittedly lovely-but-longer off-road cycle path. Usual faff over with I was out fasted on the Fuji down the increasingly familiar, typically quiet lanes towards Woodstock.
The only notable event was some utter tool in a massive tractor and trailor trying to pass me on a very short straight before a blind bend. He was barely level with me when predictably an oncoming vehicle appeared and literally had to come to a dead stop (as did I) to let tractor dickhead finish his manouver. Once the ordeal was over my shaking head got a wave from the oncoming driver as he passed, which was appreciated.
After a bit of trimming on the last bit of the cycle path it was through Woodstock and on to Yarnton to pick up the tow path and continue on the usual commute route; the experience only made more enjoyable by my neck twinging about 15 miles in and remaining painful throughout..
The lack of a bell was a bit of a pain on the tow path but I politely made people aware of my presence verbally so it was no big thing. By about mile 20 my quads started to complain slightly as per my last fasted ride, and again I ignored them. I stopped at the park; didn't want to tempt fate with the rings but did a couple of pull-ups and hoped a dead-hang would help my neck; which it didn't.
I carried on to work for the full pseudo-commute experience; this coming in at 25 miles pretty much on the nose.. which I think is a bit of an ask on top of a full working day.
From there it was back through town for a fruitless trip to the Summertown charity shops then to the White Rabbit for a tonic water before the garden became totally rammed..
Still-novely-"cheap"-drink smashed it was on to Waitrose for some bits than back to Wolvercote via Wytham; stopping at Godstow to take some more crap pictures. I purposefully didn't take a proper camera (and it would have been a pain); and while convenient the phone rarely fails to disappoint when I look at the images at home; I guess crap pics are better than none..
I did consider stopping for some food at some point but still had no appetite and always welcome the opportunity to burn some fat / stress my crap body in an arguably positive way.
From Wolvercote some more trimming was had especially at the Yarton end of the tow path - eliciting a very much appreciated "good work" from a passing chap on a hybrid
Sailing past where I park the car with many miles left to go I took the same route back to Woodstock. I forgot to mention my delight at finding a van parked squarely in the middle of the cycle path between Yarnton and Woodstock - it could have been parked inside the adjacent property, or nosed onto the verge either side to allow people to pass, but no - dumped right in the middle with about three inches of tarmac on either side. Something unfortunate might have happened to its wing mirror as I dragged the bike past on the verge..
From Woodstock I stayed on the nice rural cycle path for its duration. By about mile 40 my stomach was beginning to feel as hollow as my soul..
I re-joined my outbound route a bit further on just as the sun was setting; glad I'd listened to my OCD in fitting the lights and taking the head torch despite the assumption I'd be back before dark; allowing me to inadvertantly startle an owl. I was less glad about the seatpost's insistance on gradually creeping down; by this point having lost maybe 30mm over the whole ride I eyeballed it at some aribitrary "that'll do" height and nipped it up again..
Irritatingly I'd been on the fence about fitting an excellent Salsa seatpost clamp (which seemed like a bit of an indulgence) - now they've apparently revised the design so it's cack; meaning that particular boat appears to have sailed
Anyway, a shade under 61 miles at 11.9mph for 2700kcal burned; apparently my second longest ride. I've had some salt for dinner and hope I've had enough exertion to force a good night's sleep for once.. SPOILER: Had a terrible night's sleep