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Über Member
Out for an early ride on Father's Day this morning, and first ride on my Clamont after finishing it last night.


Just a loop out to the next small town from us.
A great start to the day, and a trip down memory lane.
The riding position, downtube shifters and overall feeling on an older bike encouraged me to ride a bit more like I used to with lower cadence, bigger gears and more time out of the saddle on climbs.
Overall very happy with the result.
Only took one pic today as I spotted these nice cars ...

Quite a stiff easterly across the north coast of Anglesey, 25 miles but felt a bit more. All the roads out of the beaches are tough, Lligwy, Benllech, Red Wharf, but Its hard to stay inland which is a bit dull.
Will get out again in the morning, Newborough, Rhosneigr etc. Hope the wind dies a bit. :okay:


Devotee of OCD
Another enjoyable Sunday completed. Me and my riding bud are now meeting at the halfway point between us at 6am with the failing light 🙄

Lovely temp today; warm enough to be comfortable in short sleeves. And not warm enough to be uncomfortable when the sun broke through.

Uneventful (Good !) 30 miles I thoroughly enjoyed 😎









13 rider

Another enjoyable Sunday completed. Me and my riding bud are now meeting at the halfway point between us at 6am with the failing light 🙄

Lovely temp today; warm enough to be comfortable in short sleeves. And not warm enough to be uncomfortable when the sun broke through.

Uneventful (Good !) 30 miles I thoroughly enjoyed 😎

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As anyone in the 50km a month challenge will know that sort of distance sets off my cycling OCD , next time can you just go round the block and pass the magic number of 31.07 please 😁


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Back to what I love doing best .... exploring by bike. This must be my 6th or 7th stay in Inverinate, and every single previous time I have hankered after riding up Glen Moriston but been put off by the busy and fast traffic on the A87. So this time I made sure I got out good and early on a Sunday morning to get it ridden before the tourist tap got turned on. I parked up on the causeway at the end of Loch Duich just as the sun was starting to light the shore. Not a bad place to start a ride:

It did mean that the first 15 miles of my ride would be mostly uphill (though not steep) and straight into the sun and a stiff breeze coming down the glen.

I wanted this to be a 50km ride, so I just kept going until I reached a suitable viewpoint over Loch Cluanie (a freshwater loch at altitude) where a couple of "Rabbie's" minibuses full of American tourists were having a leg stretch. I got my photo once I'd had a drink and an energy bar and they had all got back in their vans.

I then turned the bike around and enjoyed a brilliant gentle glide all the way back down Glen Moriston. There were a few little bursts of traffic (mostly Rabbie's minibuses and German campervanners) but for an A road it was still mostly surprisingly quiet. Do it on a Sunday morning, that's my tip.

Just as I was about to reach the Cluanie Inn, I spotted a little track leading into the Cluanie estate. Wild campers had been staying the night by the banks of the River Shiel, and access was allowed just as far as the bridge over the river, so I dropped down and took a look.

Then I carried on down the glen, pausing to admire a group of drumlins in the valley bottom.

Then stopped again about 5 miles short of Shiel Bridge to admire the view of the old bridge where the battle of Glen Shiel took place in the Jacobite rising of 1719. The lay-by had always been full when I had passed this in the car, so arriving by bike was the way to do it.

Once I got back down to sea level I detoured right at Ault a'chruinn to follow the old road around the end of Loch Duich via Morvich. In this shot you can see the causeway that was built some time in the late 20th century to shorten the drive from Inverness to Kyle of Lochalsh. My car was parked on the causeway today.

The next shot brings back a vivid memory from about 1972. Our family was on a long car journey to the far North of Scotland and we were running out of petrol. My dad's VW camper was practically running on fumes and the causeway had not yet been built so we had to drive around the end of the loch. We were just about to run out of fuel completely when we came across a one pump garage in the middle of nowhere. Dad had to knock on the door of the adjoining workshop to get someone to switch the pump on. I vividly recall an old chap in a boiler suit serving our petrol and then wiping the windscreen and offering to check the oil. My dad was a relieved man. Believe it or not, that pump is still there today .... 52 years later. The house is now a holiday let, but happily someone has appreciated the old fuel pump as a heritage item and left it there just as I remember it.

Well. As holiday rides go, that was a belter. 34.7 miles in all. I had hoped to finish it by coming across a herd of red deer (which often hang around at the Morvich end of the loch), but no such luck today. Can't complain though. Today's was the sort of ride that reminds me why I cycle. Living the dream.
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As long as I breathe, I attack.
just under 42 miles in total today on the "winter bike" as it had forecast rain overnight so i was expecting the roads to be wet , of course it was bone dry :smile: .legs were heavy from yesterday so it was hard work from the start and it was either humid or im more out of shape than i think as i was dripping sweat , didnt help the guy i was riding with is fitter, younger and had fresh legs but as he had contacted me yesterday to ask if i fancied a ride i couldnt say no.
Around 22 miles to the apple tree giftshop/tearooms in OckBrook which is a great little place although pricey so i only had a coffee and my bm bargains flapjack before heading home .
After the other rider parted ways as we entered our village i dropped down the last hill to my house just in time for a quick shower before sunday dinner :hungry:



Dave 123

Legendary Member
11 local miles along lanes and the Preston bridleway.

I also met the magnificent seven.



Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Friday: I had a short window of opportunity in the afternoon, got the Hawk out and headed for yet another regular loop but with some variation to try and keep it fresh. There was a lot of traffic out and about with it being the start of the last weekend of the school holidays (locally at least). I headed to Meole Brace then Weeping Cross without any bother but did play it safe turning onto the road through Betton as I didn't fancy waiting in the middle to turn right.

It was a nice ride to Berrington where I though that avoiding using the A458 again would be good, so went through Eaton Mascott instead. Riding a dusty, narrow lane on a warm late-summer afternoon has a very pleasant feel to it. At Cound Stank I rejoined the lanes I usually ride through Cound (the Shropshire flag still flying but at half mast this time :sad:), Harnage and down to Cound Moor. With the wind being an easterly it helped me along the long straight. No danger of setting any records but it made things a bit easier.

Through Acton Burnell, Frodesley and Longnor it was a nice trundle. I had meant to turn off at Ryton and ride through Gonsal and Stapleton but I was thinking about other things and rode straight past my junction without thinking about it. Heading to Hunger Hill and Little Lyth was the obvious next option so I did that. Lots of traffic on the A49 so I was glad I didn't take the flatter route home.

24.1 miles at 12.7 mph average. 1229 feet of climbing. Enjoyed that.


Loads of people on the move for the weekend.


Eaton Mascott.


On the descent to Cound Stank.


Outside Concord College.


Acton Burnell.
The countryside is transitioning from summer to autumn.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Today: I persuaded my brother out for a ride and he wanted to do one where he could set a high average speed. The short version of my Acton Burnell route is my go-to for this and he seemed happy with that. I got the Raleigh out this time and there was a bit of tinkering with the set up of Doug's bike before we started.

Setting out, we had a bit of a wait to get onto the main road but once there the drivers behaved just fine. With an easterly wind I thought the route might be best done clockwise and as expected we had a headwind between Condover and Cantlop, but it wasn't too bad. I tried coaching Doug a bit about when to push and when to ease off a bit to save energy and it seemed to work out as he wasn't gasping for breath at any point as has happened on previous occasions.

We kept up a decent pace and enjoyed the tailwind when we picked it up after Acton Burnell. There were a reasonable number of other cyclists about - almost all seemed to be going the other way this time. From Longnor the gradient is mostly in our favour for the rest of the ride back so we could get some decent speed up. Having to slow right down to pass a horse & rider spoiled the flow but not much we could do about that.

After Ryton the traffic picked up and was much busier than we are used to on the second pass through Condover and back to the main road.

17.1 miles at 14.3 mph average. 707 feet of climbing. I think Doug was disappointed not to get the average up to 15mph but in my opinion he did really well considering he's not got many rides in this summer. If it gets him keen to get out and ride it's all good.:okay:

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Out of the door this morning at 6am to a glorious sunrise and very mild temperatures. The watch showing 14°. No need for jackets, longs or long sleeves. Weather reports were showing sunny and warm for today and proved to be correct. Reaching highs of 27°. Good thing I slapped the old factor 50 before I left this morning.
Todays ride was a Surrey-Kent Loop. Heading to lovely Croydon before hitting the A23 for a rapid ride south. Turning east at Smallfields cross country to Tonbridge then on to East Peckham for my first stop at 62 miles for a meal deal and water top up. Onwards doing a small loop of The Weald before heading for my partners work for lunch. But not before stopping at a coffee hut at Goudhurst, with very nice coffee and fab views. Lunch with my partner at 85 miles was much needed with the very warm temperatures starting to take its toll. Fed and watered it was time to get moving. A bit of a loop to make up the miles, climbing up to Wrotham with a fab 6 mile descent past Brands Hatch. From there a few rolling hills before dropping back to home turf.
So, scores on the doors.
120 miles for the day.
Imperial Century Month # 167 in a row
Imperial century #344.
Legs feel good but I feel a bit crispy.

The Weald

Leigh nr Tonbridge



The Viaduct at Eynsford. With sunlight shining on the righteous Van Vicholas
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Heavy rain overnight which lasted into the morning and put of a lot of riders from my Sunday group ride, so we merged groups. That meant it had to be carefully paced not to drop folk; not that the usual faster group s that fast. After Friday (a bad reaction or bug), with my stomach still 95% empty and yesterdays TT 30w down on usual, you never saw me complaining though and a shorter zone 1 ride to a local cafe was exactly ‘what the doctor ordered’. It’s been a beautiful afternoon and I’ve had to resist going out again luckily the Glasgow Derby and the Vuelta was on by way of distraction.



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